
Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 25 Декабря 2010 в 11:41, доклад

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Comics are a series of drawings, usually arranged horizontally on the page of a newspaper, a magazine, or a book, that read as a narrative. The drawings carry the story, but words may appear to enhance the narration. Text, when included, often relies on the use of conversation to convey information and on onomatopoeic sounds, such as Wham! Pow! Slam!, to complement the action. Comics have usually featured a regular cast of characters, and contain either a complete story or a series of episodes.

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Comics are a series of drawings, usually arranged horizontally on the page of a newspaper, a magazine, or a book, that read as a narrative. The drawings carry the story, but words may appear to enhance the narration. Text, when included, often relies on the use of conversation to convey information and on onomatopoeic sounds, such as Wham! Pow! Slam!, to complement the action. Comics have usually featured a regular cast of characters, and contain either a complete story or a series of episodes.

Comics are a graphic medium in which images convey a sequential narrative. The term derives from the mostly humorous early work in the medium, and came to apply to that form of the medium including those far from comic. The sequential nature of the pictures, and the predominance of pictures over words, distinguishes comics from picture books, though there is some overlap between the two. Today, comics are found in newspapers, magazines, comic books, graphic novels and on the web. Though comics are non-linear structures and can be hard to read sometimes, it is simply presented. However, it depends of the reader's "frame of mind" to read and understand the comic. We're typically looking for short and funny comics that are less than one page in length. We will still consider comics that are very text-heavy and that are not necessarily funny.

I like comics. They are very popular not only among children. Adults also watch comics with fun. Sometimes even classical works and popular films form the basis of the comics.

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