
Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 10 Декабря 2012 в 15:06, курс лекций

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However, along with the obvious advantage of the latest computer systems, they have the significant disadvantage: humanity enters the growing dependence on them. This increases the risk of the emergence of previously unknown sources of danger to society. Disruption of global computer networks can lead to serious consequences-of hovering computers and financial losses to the environmental and technological disasters and massive loss of life.

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The life of a modern post-industrial society greatly depends on the management of the various processes through electronic computing machines (MAINFRAMES), from electronic processing, storage, access and transfer information. The widespread adoption and use of information technology creates new opportunities for the effective development of the economy, politics, Social Affairs, in particular education and science.

However, along with the obvious advantage of the latest computer systems, they have the significant disadvantage: humanity enters the growing dependence on them. This increases the risk of the emergence of previously unknown sources of danger to society. Disruption of global computer networks can lead to serious consequences-of hovering computers and financial losses to the environmental and technological disasters and massive loss of life.

In recent years, the scientific and technological achievements were gun offences committed not only in the virtual world and real life. Computers and the Internet World Wide Web are increasingly being used as a tool for the preparation and implementation of crime, in particular terrorist acts. New concepts have emerged: "crime high-tech", "computer terrorism (" cyber-terrorism ").

Under the blow cyber-terrorism are countries with a high degree of development of open electronic information systems (more than 50% of Internet users live in the United States and Canada).

The purpose of this article is based on the analysis from -foreign literature to define the notion of "cyber-terrorist", as well as to trace the historical development of cyber-terrorism from inception to date. Note that scientists have not previously applied to the problem of cyber-terrorism in terms of its history. This gap partly filled our study, whose specificity lies in the fact that its subject is "at the intersection of" Sciences: history, political science, computer science, as well as jurisprudence.

The relevance of the themes is determined not only by its scientific novelty, but also the growing practical importance of the fight against terrorism, in particular computer. As Vice President of the American Institute for study of terrorism and political violence in the past-United States Defense Department analyst p. Probst, "according to their evolving capacity, States are increasingly dependent on high technology. Integrated national systems pose a potential danger, because they have vital sites, kick which can lead to destructive consequences. Such an attack could be carried out by computer or using explosives, incapacitate, or through the cables in order to cause a chain of accidents with the final collapse of all control systems of the pipeline or airport ".

All those who use the World Wide Web, are potential victims of cyber-terrorism. In 1999, the "software pirates" failed to change the orbit of one of the four military communications satellites of Great Britain, which has maintained continuous communications of the Ministry of defense with all British armed forces abroad. "This can only happen in a nightmare," said a senior British secret service. -If Britain would like to expose to the nuclear attack, the aggressor has undertaken at the outset for military satellite communications system. "

In 1990, the Group of computer hackers (hackers) entered into an information network of the national agency United States Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which led to a halt the work of the system at 12:0 am. In 2001, hackers have revealed the United States Department of Defense computer network and stole from the Pentagon thousands of files of higher classification.

Group of computer hackers calling themselves the "Lunar Labyrinth" invaded the database of the Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the National Security Agency (NSA) United States.

In the twenty-first in the number of attacks on information systems worldwide is increasing dramatically, and their consequences not less dangerous than the physical attacks on vital installations. Such attacks can disabling of water and electricity systems, transport hubs and networks, nuclear reactors, other strategic locations.



















Computer terrorism and cyber-terrorism-one of the most dangerous species of the broader concept of computer crime (cyber-crime). A comprehensive study of the phenomenon of cybercrime is impeded by the fact that is not its generally accepted definition; due to differences in legal systems, the notion of "cybercrime" as a legal term is not used in all States.

According to UN experts ' recommendations, the term "cybercrime" defines "any crime that can be committed through a computer system or network, i.e., which can be committed in an electronic environment. In other words, a cybercrime such socially dangerous acts perpetrated with the use of computer technology in respect of the information processed and used in the Internet.

Cyber-crime implies any unlawful actions arising from the use of one or more Web components, such as Web sites, forums or email. Cyber-crime includes a wide range of malpractices, from not providing services and intrusion into computer systems to economic espionage, money-laundering, theft of personal information.

Computer-related crime should be considered: (a)), aimed at computer and communication technologies; b) crimes with the use of digital technologies in the process of the offence; in computer related crime) as a tool in the process of committing other crimes.

Convention on Cybercrime, adopted by the Council of Europe November 23, 2001, defined the category of computer crimes involving violation of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems. Other crimes in which the computer is a tool or means of committing them must, according to experts, be regarded as traditional crimes.

The notion of "computer crime" first appeared in the report of the Stanford Research Institute in 1973, and was used again in 1979, and 1989.

The term "cyber-terrorism" introduced into scientific circulation research fellow of the American Institute of security and intelligence b. Colin, who in the mid-1980 's has been used to refer to terrorist action in virtual space. Colin believed that cyber-terrorism will become a reality not earlier than in the first decades of the XXI. However, in early 1990-ies were recorded the first cyber-attack.

Widespread practical application of the term "cyber-terrorism" acquired in 1997, when the United States FBI officer m. Pollitt has identified this kind of terrorism as a "premeditated, politically motivated attack on information, computer systems, computer programs and data, expressed in the use of violence against civilian targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents."

The notion of "cyber-terrorism" is often used in the media and scientific publications. However, because the term has no agreed definition, cyber-terrorism is difficult to separate from the shares of information warfare and the use of information weapons, as well as crimes in the field of digitized information. In the literature there are different approaches to the definition of cyber-terrorism. Treatment of cyber-terrorism often depends on the signs of underlying skills.

American j. Denning defines cyber-terrorism as computer attacks, designed to cause maximum damage to vital installations of the information infrastructure. However, it should be noted that the consequences of the acts of cyber-terrorism could be much broader.

Deputy Head of terrorism Research Institute in Essen (Germany) k. O. Hirschman gives this definition of cyber-terrorism: "cyber-terrorism is a deliberate, politically motivated attack on information, computer systems, computer programs and processing, which takes the form of violence against neutral objects by subnational groups or clandestine agents."

The specialists of the foreign military studies Academy "Fort Livenvord" (United States) defines cyber-terrorism as unlawful destruction or destruction of the digital property rights in order to terrorize or intimidate people.

Based on an analysis of the definitions proposed by the Russian and foreign authors, the term "cyber-terrorism" should be understood type of terrorist activity, which is expressed in politically motivated attacks on information systems, which may be a potential risk of causing significant property damage, the occurrence of dangerous consequences or loss of life.

On motivation of terrorist action in structural terms cyber-terrorism can be divided into three main groups: political (politico-military); Finance and Economics; individual arising as a result of asocial behaviour of the individual.

Cyber terrorism might constitute interference in the work of information systems or their disabling, use of computer networks for communication and organization of terrorist groups or to commit a terrorist act.

How dangerous can be disabling computer systems show calculations of foreign experts. These actions would lead to the destruction of 20 per cent of medium-sized companies and about 33% of banks for several hours, 48% of companies and 50% of the banks have to collapse within a few days.

From other forms of information crimes cyber-terrorism is different objectives and tactics that are common to traditional political terrorism. Among them are attacks on public and State security; pressure on the authorities and management; provoke military conflict; complication of international relations; attract public attention to certain political, religious or other views, inter alia, through the media.

Cyber terrorism is a politically or religiously motivated attack individual terrorists or terrorist groups on the computer information, computing, and other elements of information infrastructure.

Cyber-terrorism uses the Internet's openness to discredit the Government and the States hosting sites on the Internet for terrorist purposes, withdrawal of life support systems by means of falsified data. These actions give rise to fear and anxiety are a sort of Supplement to the traditional view of terrorism.

Techniques used cyber-terrorists are diverse. This special program aimed at the destruction of the information base, and damage to individual physical elements of the information space.

Today the most popular form of cyber-terrorism is hacking into websites and download their slogans and appeals. A group of Portuguese hackers in September 1998, changed the content of 40 Indonesian servers, placing their slogan "Freedom for East Timor". According to the New York Times, hackers have also added links to Web sites containing examples of human rights violations in the former Portuguese colony of East Timor.

Detect and neutralize terrorist virtual difficult due to the nature of the crime they committed. Of particular concern to law enforcement agencies are terrorist acts involving the use of the Internet. The purpose of the action computer terrorist can be located thousands of miles away. In addition, a computer hijacker can act through one or more rogue machines that considerably complicate its identification and location.

The main targets of cyber-terrorism are international organizations, universities, public organizations, and financial structures. A special group of objectives are objects control the military and civilian infrastructures, in particular the command posts of nuclear forces, nuclear power plants, airports.













Military analysts at the end of the 20th century, warned about the possibility of cyber wars. In 1996, the Pentagon expert r. Bunker, introduced the report on the military doctrine of United States XXI Bunker divided the modern theatre to traditional space and cyberspace, which in modern war will play a decisive role.

An American historian and political scientist, fellow of the Washington Center for international and strategic studies u. Lacquer argues that the "involvement of computer hackers can do the whole country unable to normal operation. Hence the increasing anxiety about the possibilities of information terrorism and cyber wars ... just twenty skilled hackers and one billion dollars to destroy America. "

A Russian criminologist v. Luneev noted the increased technical equipment of the criminal world. The scientist stressed that "in contrast to the cumbersome State structures, criminals can very quickly to use the latest achievements of science and technology".

Advantages of the Internet, which can be attributed, above all, easy access to information, lack of censorship, huge audience, greater data transfer speeds were placed at the service of criminal groups with the purpose and use to achieve their goals of terrorist methods. Researchers write the emergence of a network of terrorism, when "the sabotage will not be using explosive devices and by incapacitate information systems through the world's largest computer network Internet. Victims are primarily government organizations and large commercial structures. "

An American expert on computer-related crime d. Denning noted that electronic means for terrorists represent advantages compared with physical. They can operate from afar and anonymously, they are cheap, do not require explosives and suicide missions. Such attacks are likely to receive wide publicity in the media as journalists, and the audience will be interested in a virtual attack.

B. Colin proposes several possible scenarios for cyber-terrorism. One cyber-terrorist accesses the bread production management systems, changes the level of iron, causing illness and death of children. In another cyber-terrorist flight control system attacks, which have two large civilian aircraft. In the third-kiberterrorist, stopping the operation of banks, stock exchanges, has paralyzed the country's economic system.

Some researchers believed cyber-terrorism threat exaggerated. This view is r. Mogull, who heads the analytic company "Gartner research in the field of information security and risk. He examines the phenomenon of cyber-terrorism, which has not yet encountered in practice.

Analyzing proposed b. Colin scripts developments, m. Pollitt concludes that, because modern man is heavily involved in processes of governance, cyber-terrorism does not represent a risk in the classic sense. For example, in the case of industrial poisoning bread m. Pollitt argues that iron or another substance required for the bread became poisonous, must be so great, that will not remain unnoticed for the workers. The pipeline would have noticed that the product does not meet the standards. In scenarios with air traffic control, the pilots noticed the problems and tried to solve them. Pilots specifically taught management of aircraft even in case of errors the dispatcher or the total absence of air traffic control.

Pollitt position is that, despite the vulnerability until people involved in governance, cyber-attacks are unlikely to have much devastating consequences. The expert concludes: as our civilization is becoming more and more uses of technology, we must be sure that there is a sufficient degree of control and intervention to protect those technologies are.

American -B.Schneier, founder of the company engaged in computer security, believes that "the fear of cyber terrorism diverted attention from real problems related to network security. The threat comes not from mythical "cyber-terrorism", and from ordinary criminals who use known security holes in software. This is a purely technical, not political problem ".

Russian author -I.L.Morozov believes that State intelligence services and agencies of the meaningfully increase fears around the potential threat of cyberterrorism in order to increase the funding of its activities. Experts cite a figure of the annual cost to the United States information security -50 billion dollars.

Closer examination of the relationship of computing nets and systems of life suggests that talking about absolute vulnerability of all critical infrastructure prematurely. Additionally, serious accident (power outages, delayed flights, failures in communications, etc.) can be caused by technical errors, rather than attack, cyberterrorism. Draws attention to that fact and an American researcher j. A. Lewis.












Creation of electro-mechanical computer was linked to military objectives. During the second world war the British were trying to crack the codes of the German "Enigma" crypto machines. This work was one of the best British mathematicians a. Turing. In mid-1940, he developed the car "bomb", and in 1943, an improved "Colossus". Turing to the end of the war and was not able to calculate all the options for cipher "Enigma" (this was achieved only in 2006, and then partially); However, in 1947, Turing created one of the world's first computers.

The advent of computers in the United States was connected with the creation of the atomic bomb. After the United States in the mid 90-ies of the Venona project was "documents which revealed the deep penetration of Soviet intelligence in secret nuclear programmer United States, it became known that the success of American atomic programmer was largely associated with the use of the first digital computer-sound" Eniac ". This computer served also to decipher codes of Soviet intelligence.

The Soviet Union after World War II had the scientific and technical expertise needed to create the world of electronic computers. However, the political leadership of the country clearly undervalued the importance of Cybernetics, which, along with genetics was declared a "bourgeois pseudoscience". When the Soviet scientists began work on patriotic COMPUTER, West stepped far forward.

History of computer failures-"bugs" is inseparable from the history of electronic computers. September 9, 1945 at Harvard comp was seen first computer glitch. It happened due to the fact that in the case of a giant electronic computing machine "Harvard Mark II" horrible insect. Since then, much has changed, but the disruption of computers remain a source of serious problems.

Date of onset of the global telecommunications system-the international Web of the Internet considered to 1973, when the Ministry of defense of the United States are linked by their computers, located far apart, a network-ARPA37. The network was a pilot, to its development was the development of modes of transmission in the midst of extensive disruption of electricity supply. The "ARPA" network subsequently became the nucleus around which originated on the Internet. In everyday life, the Internet entered later in the 80-IES, when it received the ordinary users.

Development of cyber-terrorism contributed to hackers attacking the computer networks of hooliganism or with a view to profit. The first examples of "cyber-terrorism" of unauthorized access to computer networks and computer programs with the aim of sabotaging the work of State and commercial institutions, appeared in the late 1970 's and early 1980 's.

In 1983, the United States was arrested in the first group of hackers called "Banda 414", which entered in more than 60 years of military computers, including those owned by Los Alamos National Laboratory Department of energy, United States. In 1987, a 17-year-old from Chicago, Zing invaded in the computer systems of the Pentagon.

In 1985, a Trotskyist group in Japan using computer systems launched an attack on a network of railway management. Luckily computers proved to be secure, hack which terrorists could not.

In November 1994, "General Electric" and "National Broadcasting Corporation" as a result of unauthorized interference for several hours was compromised internal information networks. Responsible for this attack, "claimed the Internet Liberation Front, which declared this" kibervojnu "to these companies.

In 1995, unknown hackers broke into computer United States air force base in New York, saved information about what, where and when the bombs should be dropped in case of war United States AIR FORCE.

In 1996, representatives of the terrorist organization Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam had a network attack against the diplomatic missions of Sri Lanka that led to the temporary stop of servers.

At the end of the 1990-ies experts recorded video of attack on nuclear research laboratories India, Iraq, Iran, Italy, Turkey and other countries.

"Cybernetics -(on others. Grech. Word for the helmsman, Manager)-reactionary pseudoscience, in the United States after the second world war and the widespread and other capitalist countries; form modern mechanic ... Cybernetics vividly expresses one of the main features of bourgeois ideology and its inhumanity ... Under the guise of promotion of Cybernetics in imperialism is attracting scientists of various disciplines to develop new methods of mass extermination-electronic, automatic weapons fire. Cybernetics is thus not only ideological weapon of the imperialist reaction, but also as a means of implementing its aggressive war plans ".

In 1997, the United States military authorized independent hackers simulate an attack against the United States life-critical systems using public computer programs and the Internet. During the experiment the three hackers separately mailed in swimming in the ocean, with only a laptop computer and satellite channel. Hackers have been able to demonstrate that if desired, they can harm, comparable with the consequences of a nuclear strike. Energy management system proved vulnerable United States. Only on the first day of the attack, if it was not training and combat, have lost at least 20th. pers., and economic losses would have amounted to billions of dollars.

In September 1997, as a result of the actions of unknown hacker was interrupted transmission of medical data between ground station by NASA and the space shuttle Atlantis, which exposed the mortal danger the lives of astronauts during docking American space shuttle and the Russian orbital station Mir.

In 1998, the United States as a result of the actions of  cyber-terrorist particularly important witness was killed, with a heavy wound in a clinic in United States custody by the FBI. Hacker-killer, having received over the Internet to gain access to local network clinics and information protection system having fired pacemaker reconfiguration, resulting in the patient died.

In the spring of 1999, unknown group within a few weeks to control one of four military communications satellites, Skynet-4 ", belonging to the Ministry of defense of Great Britain.

The first virus, transmitted through the Internet, was introduced in January 1999, and received the name "Happy-99", and May 1, 2000 from a suburb of Manila was started in the Internet computer virus "I love you". Within a few minutes it has spread across the globe, violating work computer systems of many countries. Only for the first 5 days of his life virus caused material damage to 7 billion. dollars. This Act of cyber-terrorism is considered the most serious of registered.

In the spring of 1999, during the military conflict in Yugoslavia by Yugoslav hackers have coordinated actions aimed at blocking NATO control system computer networks, as well as politically motivated invasion portals the headquarters of the Alliance. Both sides in the conflict used the Internet for the dissemination of information, propaganda, causing harm to the enemy, attract new supporters. J. P. Rubin, spokesman for the Department of United States, noted that "free access to the Internet will help the people of Serbia know the bitter truth about the atrocities and crimes against humanity committed in Kosovo by the Milosevic regime" 40.

In 1999, the American newspaper the Los Angeles Times noted that the conflict in Kosovo turned cyberspace into intangible military zone, where the battle for hearts and minds are using electronic images, group mailings and hacker attacks.

In August 1999, a large-scale campaign was launched by China and Taiwan computer attacks against each other. Cyber-terrorists attacked the portals of public institutions, finance companies, newspapers, universities.

A group of Pakistani hackers - ("Muslim online syndicate") in 2000, attacked Indian sites in order to protest against fighting in Kashmir.

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