Общество влияет на человека больше чем среда

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 21 Ноября 2011 в 18:31, контрольная работа

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Human development can not be reduced merely to a quantitative change in the inherited and inherent in him from birth signs. Development - is primarily a qualitative change in the body and the human psyche. These changes occur in a particular home and social environment influence the people around him.

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Human development can not be reduced merely to a quantitative change in the inherited and inherent in him from birth signs.docx

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Human development can not be reduced merely to a quantitative change in the inherited and inherent in him from birth signs. Development - is primarily a qualitative change in the body and the human psyche. These changes occur in a particular home and social environment influence the people around him.

In the development of people involved in various activities, showing its inherent activity in the game, work, teaching. This activity enriches his experience, pushes with different people, with whom communication also contributes to its development, gaining experience of social contacts.

The driving forces of human development are the contradictions between the emerging under the influence of objective factors of human needs, ranging from simple physical, material needs to the highest spiritual order and the means and opportunities to meet them. These demands are one reason or another type of activities to their satisfaction, encourage communication with people, to find means and resources to meet their needs.

In the process of human development and to establish many contacts there, and the formation of his personality, reflecting the social side of its development, its social nature.

The Marxist concept of development is based on the premise that the leading and decisive in the development and formation of a human social environment. In a socialist ooschestva, ie, very favorable social environment may play a key role training.

Social and biological or two parallel and independent factors: working on human development, they enter into a different relationship with their relationship itself depends on many external and internal circumstances.

The role of heredity in human development

By heredity we mean the transfer from parents to children of certain qualities and characteristics inherent in its genetic program. These genetics make it possible to argue that the properties of an organism encoded in the unique genetic code that stores and transmits this information on the properties of the body.

Hereditary program of human development provides a first extension of the human race, as well as the development of systems that help the human body to adapt to the changing conditions of its existence. By the hereditary characteristics of an organism are primarily anatomical and physiological structure and features of the human body such as skin color, eyes, hair, physique, especially the nervous system, as well as the makings of human species as a representative of the human race, that is the makings of speech, walking in upright position, reasoning and ability to work.

Considerable theoretical interest is the question of inheritance instincts and abilities to a certain type, but rather, to the work area (art, design, math, etc.). To answer this question is fundamental to the well-known position of Marx on certain life force that man is endowed by nature so, Marx wrote: "Man is directly a natural being. As a natural being, besides the living natural being he ... endowed with natural powers, vital powers, as an active natural being, these forces exist in him in the form of instincts and abilities in the form of impulses ...». These words of Karl Marx indicated primarily by the fact that education must take into account the natural human nature, revealing its potentialities and capabilities, determining the nature and direction set forth in its vitality, particularly desires, aptitudes and interests.

This orientation of the vital forces inherent in human nature and are manifested in the form of instincts and abilities, involves primarily the possibility of success in certain (generally quite large) areas. Implementing them is largely dependent on the living conditions and upbringing. As Marx pointed out that the question of "whether an individual will develop the kind of Raphael talent - it depends entirely on demand, which, in turn, depends on the division of labor and the environment generated by them to educate people."

Inheritance of ability in individual families, i.e, the appearance of several generations of people, gifted in certain areas due to a large extent not only the transfer of certain inherited predispositions, but also the fact that in these families, children brought up in an atmosphere of interest to a specific activity, their very early start to involve.

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