Review of programs for the design

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 09 Января 2012 в 08:33, контрольная работа

Краткое описание

In my reference paper, we consider a variety of programs for the design of flats, furniture and other things.With their help, you can easily imagine future developments placement, color, lighting and furniture. There is a simple program with a standard set of tools, but there are more sophisticated programs that can accuratelyand in detail to satisfy your desires on buduyuschego design. Let's look at some of them.

Содержание работы

INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………..….. 3
1. Review of programs for the design……………………..………….…… 4
2. Meaning and scope……………………………………………….…….. 5
CONCLUSION …………………………...……………………..……... 12
REFERENCES …………………………………………………... 13

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  INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………..….. 3
1. Review of programs for the design……………………..………….…… 4
2. Meaning and scope……………………………………………….…….. 5
  CONCLUSION …………………………...……………………..……... 12
  REFERENCES …………………………………………………... 13



     In my reference paper, we consider a variety of programs for the design of flats, furniture and other things.With their help, you can easily imagine future developments placement, color, lighting and furniture. There is a simple program with a standard set of tools, but there are more sophisticated programs that can accuratelyand in detail to satisfy your desires on buduyuschego design. Let's look at some of them.


Preview of programs for the design

Astron Design –3D modeling of your room. 

The program allows you to simulate your room, paint the walls, floor and ceiling, install windows and doors,as well as arrange the furniture, all kinds of accessories, etc. 
The entire range of modular (cabinet) is represented by furniture includes all lines, which may need for the house: living rooms, hallways, bedrooms, children's library, cabinets and display cases, coffee tables andsmall forms. 
The program is designed to simulate the placement of furniture in pomescheniyah.S using it you can forget about the experiments on the layout, when out of room to be transported oak cabinets, refrigerator, couch ... 
Now all you need is to run the scheduler, set the dimensions of rooms, furniture, location of windows, doors and indulge in experiments. 
Astron design certainly save you time and physical strength 
Aston dizayn Useful lovers of all revolutionary in their lives.

     PRO100 Function: apartment design, development of furniture 
The program is completely self-PRO100 applique - does not require any other program except of Windows. 
Most of the operations associated with the design is implemented quickly and easily with the mouse - how to play dice. 
Additional relief work is a set of toolbars that contain a number of suitable designer editing tools, such as: pridvizhenie, positioning, alignment, rotation speed. 
Each element of the stage of the project has its own properties window, where the precision way we can specify all the characteristics: name, size, type of material, assignment to a specific report group, price, etc. 
In general, is a powerful tool to help the designer in his work. ranked interior can be seen in seven different views (including the perspective view). In each view the program will automatically show the dimensions of the interior. 
There are five view modes: wire frame, sketch, color, texture and full, realistic vizualizatsiya.PRO100 For each mode you can use graphics effects such as translucency, contours or shading. 
Any changes are immediately reflected in all modules of the program - of elements, the price list of all visualization modes, including realisticheskuyu.PRO100 Arranging a room takes a few minutes. 
At each stage of your work can freely modify the project modules, add and remove handles, shelves or whole furniture and one mouse click to change the colors of the entire or part of the project. All these features, the program PRO100 is the perfect tool to work with the client.

     Sweet Home 3D - free software for planning and design

     Sweet Home - a simple tool for creating the internal layout of dwellings.

     This free program is designed for use untrained users.

     User interface (Russian language there), would soon

     planning to make the apartment, literally dragging on the interior

     virtual plan

     Such an approach deprives some flexibility (because the program can only be used for such itemshardware), but it makes the process of creating a plan as easy and understandable. So, if you need to drawin five minutes, will look like the design space in the volume - Sweet Home 3D your choice. 
In the end I would like to note that for convenient operation in the program you want to add more catalogs of accessories.

       Google Sketchup to create high-quality 3D modeling, planning and interior design. 
If you are new to 3D-graphics and are looking for a free alternative to expensive paid programs, youScetchUp - your choice. 
Google offers two versions - free and paid version (Google Sketchup Pro). Moreover, free contains a sufficient set of tools for creating high-quality 3D modeling, planning and interior design. 
SketchUp has an intuitive interface. You can quickly draw standard shapes such as rectangles, circles, arcs, and give them the capacity to add to objects the size of pointers. 
Standard set of objects in the program is small, but it is possible to download individual items from the Internet directly from the program. 
Online you can find a sufficient number of completed projects in interior design space, which will definitely help in the development of the program.


Meaning and scope

     These programs are as you already understood is designed to facilitate the work of designers in the design of buildings. 
You do not need to be a master, engineer, or designer to use these programs and build their buduyuschieplans. Fairly good mood, having one of these programs and desires! With these items you will create an exclusive, the ideal option for you vazhego buduyuschego house or apartment. You can change the wallpaper, floor covering, to work out all the details, send files to people who will do repairs and they will do anything you like. These programs 
are ideal for voplozheshiya your ideas into visible objects.


And so we come to the end of my control work. Mv learned that there are many programs to assistdesigners, their primary purpose, and examples. We learned that through them we can embody thedesigner's imagination in a computer format, and even if you want in life.  

  1. Software for Interior Design [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа:
  2. Software for Interior Design [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа:

Информация о работе Review of programs for the design