The problem of authorship in the art

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 19 Марта 2012 в 16:32, реферат

Краткое описание

From ancient times people tried to protect and preserve what they thought were uncommon and exceptional. With the time of the civilization developed and grew - appeared the art, has developed the technology, the people learned beautifully draw, to sing, to make a film-films, write genius computer programs. This is all very well, but there were also those who profited by it. Prevent wrong powerful use for their own purposes, be it artistic works or databases or computer programs to the Law - the Law on the Copyright.

Содержание работы

An object of copyright. General provisions………………………...4.
Works that are objects of copyright………………………………...5.
Plagiarism or artistic borrowing ideas……………………………...6.
A complete overview of concepts…………………………………..8.
Term of copyright…………………………………………………..11.
The list of the literature……………………………………………..13.

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