Упражнения по "Английскому языку"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 14 Ноября 2010 в 19:16, курсовая работа

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Ex. 1. Read the text and answer the following questions.
Ex. 2. Find in the text the English for
Ex. 3. Read and translate the text. Which pieces of advice really help people to lose weight and to be healthy? What other tips would you add?
Ex. 4. Translate into English

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Newspapers and magazines serve 2 general functions. First, they are sources of information about what is happening throughout the world and locally. The second major function is to entertain. Some papers present information to persuade us to  a particular point of view, tackling important political, economic and social issues; others deal with gossip about show business stars, humour stories and the like.

Thus, newspapers may be divided into 2 main groups – the “quality” (or “serious”) press and the “popular” (or  “tabloid”) press. The “quality”, which have broadsheet size, e.g. “The Times”, “The Guardian” report national, international and local news thoroughly. The publish articles on many subjects. Many of them have considerable international impact. The “popular” papers or tabloids which tend to make news sensational, to publish “personal” articles which shock and excite, have rather small pages of “tabloid” size, many pictures and a limited amount of serious news.

Newspapers can say what they like about anybody or anything. Thus, they are often sued for libel and forced to pay money for accusations and rumour harmful for someone`s reputation.

Much that applies to newspapers also applies to magazines. They cover all topics and interests, from art and architecture to tennis, from aviation and gardening to computers and literary criticism. Thus, widely read periodicals, along with professional journals provide information on various subjects.

Nowadays more and more people prefer The Internet as a means of getting required information. Created in 1983 it has become an increasingly commercial and popular medium. It connects many computer networks and many users in throughout the world. It makes information available for everybody regardless distances and borders. 

Summing up, it is possible to say that mass media make us feel like members of one group, provide the audience with collective ethic, strengthen our beliefs, attitudes and values.

Ex. 11. Answer the questions.

  1. What forms of mass media are mentioned in the text?
  2. What other mass media do you know?
  3. Which media do you think are the most popular nowadays? Why?
  4. What are the types of TV channels?
  5. What is the basic difference between the “quality” papers and tabloids?
  6. What kind of information is regarded to be libelous?
  7. What kinds of magazines do you prefer? Why?
  8. Do you agree that the Internet is the prevailing mass medium at present? Why?

Ex. 12. А) Find in the text the English for:

средства  массовой информации, влияние (2), современное  общество, слухи (2), по всему миру, мыльные  оперы, специализированные журналы  для профессионалов, превалирующий (2), социальные вопросы, документальные фильмы, вне зависимости от расстояний и границ, аудитория, нормы и ценности.

B) Make 5-6 sentences of your own using the words from A. 

Ex. 13. Complete the sentences with the correct future form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. I’m going to travel the world after my studies. travel (a plan)
  2. I ___________ at a friend’s house next week because they’re painting mine. stay (an arrangement)
  3. I  ___________ dinner tomorrow. make (a promise)
  4. That looks very heavy. _________ it for you? I / carry (an offer)
  5. We _________ some friends after work tonight. meet (an arrangement)
  6. I _________ on a diet after Christmas. go (an intention)
  7. Look at the traffic! I don’t think we ________ on time. arrive (a prediction)
  8. Hasn’t he come yet? I _________ him and see what has happened. Call (an instant decision)
  9. We (finish) this project by the end of the next decade.
  10. _____________ out tonight? we / go (a suggestion)
  11. Jim always goes to bed at 11 o’clock. Tom is going to call him at 11.30 p.m. When Tom phones Jim (sleep).
  12. Tomorrow afternoon I’m going to play tennis from 3 o’clock until 4.0. so at 4 o’clock tomorrow I (play) tennis.
  13. Max is on holiday. He has very little money and he is spending too much too quickly. Before the end of his holiday he (spend) all his money.

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