Views on Globalization of Two Writers

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 09 Апреля 2011 в 16:25, творческая работа

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Your essay can discuss the views of two economists of critics who had different points of view on globalization. While one would point out the merits of globalization, such as connectivity, increase in liquidity capital, mobility of labour etc. the other, will point out the disadvantages as a result of globalization.

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Views on Globalization of Two Writers 

Your essay can discuss the views of two economists of critics who had different points of view on globalization. While one would point out the merits of globalization, such as connectivity, increase in liquidity capital, mobility of labour etc. the other, will point out the disadvantages as a result of globalization. Providing your point of view is also encouraged in this type of writing.

Globalization and Its Affects on Developing Countries 

Developing countries are at an advantage due to globalization. The economic prosperity will increase as a result of more jobs flowing into the market and as a result the quality of life will increase. Once again, here, the subject of how developing countries benefit through globalization at the expense of developed countries will arise. Your essay can oppose of defend this theory in an argumentative manner.

Globalization and Change 

Change can be a good thing and a bad thing. Change for the better will come in the forms of more jobs, increase in the quality of life etc. However, change due to globalization can come in the form of culture changes, beliefs etc. For example, people living in Muslim dominated countries believe that with globalization, people’s beliefs and way of living could change and this has prompted some of the orthodox countries to restrict their connectivity to the globalization process. 

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