Великобритания (Объединенное Королевство)

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Официально страна называется Объединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. В его состав входят четыре страны: Англия, Шотландия и Уэльс, расположенные на острове Британия, и Северная Ирландия. Последняя расположена на одном острове с Независимой Республикой Ирландия. Таким образом, общую сухопутную границу Великобритания имеет только с Ирландией.

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     Молочное  животноводство играет важную роль в  сельском хозяйстве Великобритании. Следует отметить, что натуральное молоко находит более широкое применение, чем кисломолочные продукты. Исключение составляет Северная Ирландия, где сосредоточено основное производство молочных продуктов. Разведением молочного скота занимаются преимущественно на юго- западе Англии. Великобритания известна на весь мир своими породами мясного и молочного крупного рогатого скота. Поголовье его составляет около 11,6 млн. В холмистых районах Шотландии разводят в основном породы черную уэльсскую и галлоуэй, а на равнинах – абердинскую белую и герефорд. В связи с эпидемиями коровьего бешенства (болезнь Крейцфельда – Якоба) и ящура в последние годы молочное и мясное животноводство испытывают жестокий кризис.

     В Британии есть все условия для  разведения овец. Большое внимание уделяется выведению новых пород, как мясных, так и тонкорунных. В горах Шотландии разводятся специальные породы горного скота. Свиноводство особенно развито в восточных районах Англии. До 30% свинины идет на изготовление бекона, а остальное – на производство мясных продуктов.

     Поскольку Великобритания издревле является морской  державой, традиционным промыслом считается рыболовство. Основу промысла составляет треска, камбала, сельдь, сиг, форель, устрицы и крабы. Доля рыбы составляет до 80% общего улова. Основная масса рыбы вылавливается в водах Кельтского моря, на западе и севере Шотландии, юге Англии. Основные рыбные порты – это Кингстон – на - Халле, Гринсби, Флитвуд, Северный Шилдс, Абердин и другие.


     В Великобритании насчитывается более 300 морских портов, ежегодный грузооборот  которых превышает 140 млн. тонн. Крупнейшими  портами являются: Лондон, Ливерпуль, Глазго, Саутгемптон. Основные судоходные реки Темза, Северн, Дувр, Трент. Создание скоростной железной дороги под Ла-Маншем упростило сообщение между Великобританией и материком. Одновременно уменьшилась нагрузка на порты юга страны. Скоростные автомагистрали, протянувшиеся с севера на юг, связывают различные части страны. От крупных городов автострады расходятся по радиальным направлениям. Так от Лондона расходятся шоссе на Дувр, Йоркшир, Кардифф, а от Бирмингема – в Бристоль, Манчестер. Протяженность железных дорог – 37,8 , а автомобильных – 358 тыс. километров.

     Огромное  значение для развития транспорта имеют  мосты и тоннели, многие из которых  входят в состав скоростных трасс.


     Ежегодно  в Великобританию прибывает более 12 млн. туристов из разных стран мира, посещающих крупные культурно-исторические центры: Лондон, Эдинбург, Кардифф, Манчестер, Ливерпуль, Бристоль. Не меньшей популярностью пользуется небольшие всемирно известные города–музеи, такие как Стратфорд- на-Эйвоне, Виндзор, университетские центры Кембридж и Оксфорд. Курорты Великобритании сосредоточены в основном на южном побережье Англии (Брайтон). Любители горного туризма и альпинизма могут насладиться красотами Шотландии. Жители городов любят проводить уик-энд на природе в загородной зоне.


      The characteristic 

     Great Britain (Incorporated Kingdom) – the island state, which most part of territory is located on two large islands divided by waters of Irish sea. The total area of Great Britain makes 244 017 sq. km. The population of Great Britain – 58 395 thousand persons.

     Officially the country is called Incorporated Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Its structure includes four countries: England, Scotland and the Wales, located on island Britain, and Northern Ireland. Last is located on one island with Independent Republic Ireland. Thus, Great Britain has the general overland border only with Ireland.

     British isles lie at northwest coast of Europe.

     British isles are surrounded by set of small islands. In the southwest from island Britain Scilly Isles, and to the North from the Wales – island are located

     Anglesea. At the western and northern coasts of Scotland the numerous small islands which are a part of Great Britain are located. Most important of them are the Orknejsky Shetland islands.

     From the West Great Britain is washed by waters of Atlantic ocean, and from the east – waters of the North Sea.

     From the south Great Britain borders on France – the nearest and the most developed by the neighbor, having with it the general water borders. The least distance to northern coast of France – passage Dover, but the basic message between the states is carried out through the passage La Manche named British "English channel" on which bottom in the end of the twentieth century the tunnel for high-speed railway communication has been laid. Before the message between two countries was carried out by a water or air way.

     Also the closest neighbors of Great Britain are Belgium and the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Norway much further are located.

     Thus, ЭГП Great Britain is simultaneously neighbour's and seaside that is the extremely favourable to economic development of the country though, undoubtedly, has certain minuses in the strategic and military relation.

     The administrative Great Britain map repeatedly changed, since joining of the countries making Incorporated kingdom, lasted centuries. Everyone is no time the independent state has the capital or an administrative center. Official capital of Great Britain is London as association of the earths occurred round England.

     In the eighteenth - nineteenth centuries Great Britain, being on the first place in the world on an economy level of development, has created the enormous colonial power occupying almost a quarter of territory of a planet. India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Canada concerned the British colonies,

     Australia, New Zealand and considerable part of Africa. In the twentieth century English colonies became the independent states, but many of them enter into British Commonwealth headed by the British monarch. In 1921 the southern part of Ireland has separated from Great Britain and became the independent state. 

     Modern administrative division of Great Britain

Territory Capital The area, thousand in sq. m the Population, million
England London 136,36 48,708
Scotland Edinburgh 78,77 5,132
The Wales Cardiff 20,77 2,913
Northern Irlandija Belfast 14,12 1,64

     Great Britain – constitutional monarchy

     The form of a state system of Great Britain – constitutional monarchy. The monarchy is most ancient of existing forms of the state board all nowadays. And in Great Britain the continuity of the royalty has been broken only once for ten centuries of existence of the state. The present queen of Great Britain Elizabeth

     The second occurs from a sort of the Saxon king Egberta who has united England in 892 year and Malkolma Second, correcting in Scotland with 1005 for 1034

     The monarch in Great Britain is the main person of the state. Legally the monarch supervises over executive power, is a supreme commander in chief the British army. But actually, as a result of the changes occurring throughout many centuries, monarchs have lost the absolute power. The queen corrects the state with the consent of the cabinet, i.e. «reigns, doesn't correct».

     Regulatory authority is the parliament of two houses consisting of the Upper chamber – chambers of Lords and the Lower chamber – the Houses of Commons. Sessions pass in a building of Parliament which is one of sights of London. 650 members of the House of Commons are selected citizens of Great Britain once in five years while membership in Chamber of Lords is descended in families of hereditary noblemen.

     Thus, the queen represents the state on international scene and is a power symbol. Executive power belongs to the cabinet formed by the parliamentary majority.

     Among variety of political parties of Great Britain the leading part belongs to two largest parties. It are conservatives (тори) and labourites (Whigs). 

     The population of Great Britain

     The population of Great Britain makes more than 58 million persons. National structure: Englishmen – more than 80 %, Scots – 10 %, Welshmen (aboriginals of the Wales) – 2 %, Irish – 2,5 %.

     The considerable part of the population professes протестантизм. The exception is made by Northern Ireland which majority of inhabitants are Catholics. Northern Ireland is a place of constant conflicts on religious and national soil.

     Since 1921 about 40 % of the population live in seven largest city agglomerations with the centers in London (Greater London), Manchester (Jugo - east Lankshir), Birmengeme and Volverhemptone (the Western Midland), Glasgow (the Central Clydeside), Leeds and Bredforde (the Western Yorkshire), Liverpool (Merseyside) and To (Tyneside). The Urban saturation in Great Britain makes 91 %. The agricultural population share is very insignificant.

     Last years appreciable inflow of the population from developing countries, basically from the countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America is observed. 

     The industry

     Great Britain is one of four countries defining economic power of Europe. The industry of Great Britain includes set of branches the part from which has world value. Midland is basic industrial region of Great Britain. 


     Metallurgy in Great Britain is one of the most developed industries. In it it is occupied more than 582 thousand persons. And the first place on employment number belongs to ferrous metallurgy (332 thousand persons). The rest is necessary on nonferrous metallurgy. The basic centers of manufacture of a steel and pig-iron are Cardiff and Swansea (Wales), Leeds (England). Annual melt of a steel – more than 15 million tons. Aluminum factories are located basically in Scotland and the Wales.

     Consumers of production of ferrous metallurgy are basically machine-building factories.

     Mechanical engineering

     The mechanical engineering is one of leading industries of Great Britain. It includes set of directions, for each of which the placing is characteristic. So the high technology mechanical engineering (the aviation industry, electronics) are located basically round London. The machine-tool construction is concentrated around Birmingham. The shipbuilding – area Glasgow specialization, and textile mechanical engineering is developed basically around Manchester. 

     Fuel and energy complex.

     The basic energy sources are coal and oil, to a lesser degree – natural gas. The coal-mining industry is one of the oldest industries of Great Britain. At the beginning of the century the British coal prevailed in the world market, now in Great Britain is extracted annually more than 80 million tons of coal. The basic areas of coal output – Cardiff, the Southern Wales and the Central England (Sheffield). Oil extract on a shelf of the North Sea at east coast of England and Scotland. Annual extraction makes more than 94 million tons. The basic factories on oil refining are located in Southampton, Cheshire, Yorkshire. The income of oil export reaches 150 million pounds sterling. Gas production makes 55 billion in cubic m. a year and grows annually. The electric power industry is based on thermal and hydrostations. Numerous HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATIONS are located in mountainous areas of Scotland and the Wales, and thermal power station – in coal-mining areas. The atomic power station share is insignificant, though last years the increase in their building is marked. 

     The chemical industry

     The chemical industry is concentrated basically in Birmingham and Middlesbrough. Basically this manufacture of the plastic washing and disinfectants, dyes, fertilizers. Great Britain is one of the largest exporters of dyes in the world. A high level of development pharmaceutical industry has reached. Demand for the medical preparations made in Great Britain annually grows 

     Light industry

     Light industry is one of the oldest kinds of manufacture in Great Britain. In this sphere it is occupied about 690 thousand persons, and it is more than half from them – women. The basic areas of development of light industry are Lancashire, Yorkshire, Liverpool, Manchester. Manufacture of woolen fabrics is concentrated to island Lewis, basically "Scotswoman" well-known for the whole world. On manufacture of woolen fabrics Great Britain is included into number of world leaders. Jersey manufacture is developed mainly in Scotland and Midlands. Manufacture of linen fabrics is concentrated mainly in Northern Ireland. Great Britain long since specializes on a dressing and is the world exporter of leather products. The factories which are engaged in tanning manufacture, are located everywhere, however their considerable part is concentrated in Lancashire, Yorkshire, Midlands, vicinities of London. Great Britain takes the third place in the world of bottoms to footwear manufacture. Annually is on sale more than 200 million pairs footwear. Clothing industry of Great Britain is the largest in Europe. Great Britain is clothes big exporter. The basic centers of clothing industry are London, Leeds and Manchester. 

     The food-processing industry

     In the food-processing industry of Great Britain it is occupied over 860 thousand persons. The assortment of made production is rather various.

     In Great Britain consumption bakery and confectionery, chocolate and cocoa is very great. More than 2/3 all bread is made in the automated bakeries where bread is baked, cut and packed practically without intervention of the person. In less large bakeries make various cookies, pies and so popular fruitcakes among Englishmen. The British biscuits are known for the whole world, and the income of their export makes more than 12 million pounds sterling. Britain delivers for export about 30 % of world chocolate. The income of chocolate export makes annually to 14 million pounds sterling. Also Great Britain specializes on manufacture of fruit jams and ready fruit stuffings for pies which are widely exported to the various countries of the world.

     Annually Great Britain exports more than 700 tons свежемороженых fruit and about 120 tons of frozen vegetables.

     Among meat products ham and bacon manufacture – traditional English products prevails.

     Widespread release of alcoholic production. Whisky, gin, an ale use the world popularity Scottish. 


     For Great Britain moderate and damp enough climate with small temperature drops within a year that creates favorable conditions for agriculture development is characteristic.

     The most part of used rural grounds is occupied by pastures (nearby

     80 %). The smaller part of territory is occupied by agricultural crops which basically are grown up in East Anglia.

     The potato is grown up practically everywhere. One of the basic cultures is the sugar beet which is grown up in East Anglia and Lincolnshire where the basic factories on sugar processing are located.

     Important sowing cultures are also wheat, barley, the oats, grown up in England, Northern Ireland and at east coast of Scotland.

     In the south of Britain around Dover not numerous orchards are located.

     The dairy animal industries play an important role in agriculture of Great Britain. It is necessary to notice that natural milk finds wider application, than sour-milk products. The exception is made by Northern Ireland where the basic manufacture of dairy products is concentrated. In cultivation of dairy cattle are engaged mainly on jugo - the West of England. Great Britain is known for the whole world for the breeds of a meat and dairy horned cattle. The livestock makes it about 11,6 million In hilly areas of Scotland plant basically breeds black Welsh and галлоуэй, and on plains – Aberdeen white and герефорд. In connection with epidemics of the cow furiousness (illness of Krejtsfelda – Jacob) and ящура last years dairy and meat animal industries experience cruel crisis.

     In Britain there are all conditions for cultivation of sheep. The great attention is given to deducing of new breeds, as meat, and тонкорунных. In mountains of Scotland special breeds of mountain cattle get divorced. Свиноводство it is especially developed in east areas of England. To 30 % of pork there is on bacon manufacturing, and the rest – on manufacture of meat products.

     As Great Britain since ancient times is the sea power, the traditional craft considers fishery. A craft basis The cod, a flounder, a herring, сиг, a trout, oysters and crabs makes. The share of fish makes to 80 % of the general улова. The Great bulk of fish is caught in waters of the Celtic sea, in the west and the north of Scotland, the south of England. The basic fish ports are a Valve – on - Hull, Grinsbi, Fleetwood, Northern Shilds, Aberdeen and others. 

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