Анализ компании Aracruz Celulose (Бразилия)

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 19 Ноября 2012 в 19:56, контрольная работа

Краткое описание

Согласно найденной информации, компании Aracruz Celulose в данный момент не существует. На ее месте, образно говоря, образовалась большая корпорация под наванием Fibria. Новостные сайты в интернете сообщают, что в 2009 произошло официальное слияние компаний Aracruz Celulose и Votorantim Celulose e Papel (VCP), в результате данного слияния образовалась новая компания – Fibria. Генеральным директором новой компании был назначен Карлос Агиар (Carlos Aguiar, глава Aracruz), председателем совета директоров – Жозе Лучиану Пениду (José Luciano Penido, глава VCP). Новая компания Fibria стала иметь общую мощность производства крафт-целлюлозы из твердых сортов древесины 5,7 млн. тонн в год, с фабриками в Бразилии, став, таким образом, крупнейшим производителем целлюлозы в мире. Сайт компании Aracruz Celulose http://www.aracruz.com.br закрыт, поэтому анализ сделан по ныне существующей компании – Fibria.

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Применение экологически чистых технологий, инновационных проектов, проектов по защите окружающей среды, проектов по воспроизводству леса позволяют  Fibria производить свою продукцию без нанесения существенного вреда окружающей среде. Также это позволило компании зарекомендовать себя как образцового и законопослушного производителя, одной из целью которого является улучшение качества жизни.


3. Влияние кризиса 2008-2010гг. на деятельность компании.

4. Сильные и слабые  стороны деятельности компании.

Fibria Cellulose is a Brazilian company with a strong presence in the global market for forest products.

It  invest in the cultivation of forests as a renewable and sustainable source of life, in order to generate wealth and economic growth, promote human social development and ensure that the environment is protected.

Company is proud of our roots and of the fundamentals of our business - technological excellence, leadership and a commitment to the future and to the vitality of this earth of ours.

All of this is evident in their background, in their beliefs and in the learning that Fibria want to share.

Their activities are supported by a forest base covering an area of 1.2 million hectares, spread across six states: Espírito Santo, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul, and of this total, 403,000 hectares have been set aside for the conservation of native forest ecosystems.

Their workforce amounts to approximately 17,000 professionals, including their own employees and outsourced staff.

Company operates 3 mills, with an annual production capacity of 5.25 million tons of pulp.

Я считаю, что  Fibria Cellulose очень  конкурентоспособная компания, которая  располагает огромными ресурсами, профессиональными кадрами и  имеет много инновационных проектов для улучшения и развития своей  деятельности. Поэтому ,сильные стороны явно превалируют над слабыми, которые сложно выделить.

5. Характеристика технологических  инноваций компании.

«The product reflects the company. Innovation is essential, is the way as a whole, not only for products, but also in terms of thought and approach. »

The technological innovation projects that were developed in 2009 delivered excellent operating, environmental and social gains.

New superior clones were developed and recommended for Fibria’s units, with increased productivity in terms of tons of pulp per hectare per year (IMA Cel). At the Aracruz unit, according to the new strategy of maximizing productivity within a radius of up to 100 km from the mills, specific clones were selected that could achieve a gain of 18% in IMA Cel. With regard to forest protection, besides maintaining plantations with an adequate level of sanitation, a strategic plan was implemented involving a number of countries in order to manage the “bronze eucalyptus bug”, a new type of pest with a high potential for damage. The operating excellence of the plantations using the rebudding technique received special attention from the soil and management area in 2009. In terms of environmentally sustainable technologies, the Fibria Bio Index, a valuable environmental management tool based on biodiversity indicators, made it possible to prioritize forest plantation management actions. Another result was a soil conditioner that is produced from organic waste and dregs, which already is being applied on an operational scale, substituting soil correctives and chemical fertilizers.

In the field of forestry biotechnology, highlights in 2009 meriting mention included advances in prospecting for new genes and selection assisted by markers, in partnership with some of the most prestigious universities in Brazil and abroad, and the domination of superior clone regeneration processes. In the vegetative propagation line, the optimization of the production of micro-propagated seedlings in the bioreactors presented good potential for being implemented on a commercial scale. Studies for production of seedlings in biodegradable tubettes were expanded, which could contribute to the reduction of the consumption of water in the nurseries and the time required to develop the seedlings. Advances also were achieved in the eucalyptus ecophysiology line, through the selection of an area and the beginning of instrumentation for a new micro-watershed project at the Aracruz unit. Additionally, the plan for monitoring surface and underground water was revised.

The advances in process technologies in 2009 were aimed at improving operational excellence and also enhancing the Company’s socio-environmental performance. Among the different innovation projects presenting important results, we can highlight the Carbon Footprint survey and the optimization of technologies for the addition of additives in pulp cooking operations, boosting yields and reducing operating costs. These processes are being applied sequentially in the Company’s different production units, and are a significant part of the gains projected for the operating synergies and sustainability of our business.

The work on product development focused on modification and application of pulp in the traditional paper market, other applications for pulp and, lastly, in the investigation of other types of products stemming from processes already present in our chain of value construction. These lines of development and applications for products were and continue to be based on strategic partnerships with suppliers, research centers and Brazilian and international customers. For the paper market, the work continues to be aimed at increasing the share of eucalyptus pulp in the makeup of manufactured papers. In this process, we can highlight two fronts of action: 1. technologies offered to customers regarding the application and use of eucalyptus and paper manufacturing, and 2. the development of alternatives for modifying pulp for environmentally friendly processes. These two fronts point to horizons that permit the production of paper with lower electric and thermal energy costs, the substitution of long fibers and other short fibers, and the reduction of the specific consumption of fibers through an increase in retention of mineral loads.

Continuous technological prospecting resulted in the expansion of studies into different alternatives for new markets, and made it possible to achieve important advances in basic and applied knowledge related to biofuels and biomass for energy purposes, based on the eucalyptus tree and other crops.


6. Наиболее сильные работы на корпоративном сайте компании.

 Наиболее сильными  работами на сайте компании  по информационной и аналитической  насыщенности, на мой взгляд, являются:

-Sustainability Report 2009


- Sustainability report of Fibria Cellulose 2010


-Sustainability Report 2011

В них представлены и рассмотрены  все основные и интересующие экономистов  сферы деятельности компании, его  структура и результаты работы компании.











Информация о работе Анализ компании Aracruz Celulose (Бразилия)