Формирование системы обеспечения экономической безопасности сферы туризма

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 16 Декабря 2011 в 22:42, автореферат

Краткое описание

Целью данного исследования является формирование эффективной системы повышения экономической безопасности развития индустрии туризма в целом и отдельных туристских дестинаций на основе использования подходов и принципов устойчивого развития туризма.

Объектом исследования выступает туристско-рекреационная сфера как сложная социо-эколого-экономическая система.

Содержимое работы - 1 файл

Экономическая безопасность.docx

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       Запропоновано методики розробки стратегії сталого розвитку туризму і оцінки рівня ризику для дестинацій. Автором розроблена класифікація туристських ризиків, обґрунтований висновок про те, що управління ризиками в туристично-рекреаційному комплексі є ефективним інструментом вирішення проблем економічної безпеки.


Аналіз  останніх публікацій

Теоретичним питанням економічної безпеки підприємства в туристичній та проблем її забезпечення присвятили свої дослідження українські та російські вчені: 
О.В. Ареф'єва, Ю.В. Бабанова, Л.С. Будович, С.О. Грунін, В.В.Домарєв, 
А.В. Кашин, Г.В. Козаченко, О.М. Ляшенко, С.М. Міщенко, Є.А.Олійников, О.А. Полушкін, О.І. Судакова, В.Л. Тамбовцев. Питання розробки системи і формування механізмів економічної безпеки (особливо на рівні підприємства) досліджували В.М. Геєць, М.О. Кизим, Т.С. Клєбанова,

О. І. Черняк. 




Specialty - International Tourism 


Vasylenko Olena 

Zaporizhya 2011

Urgency of a theme of research 

        Economic safety makes the major part of national safety and is the factor providing successful development of the state. In modern conditions the increasing value from the point of view of economic safety of national economy is got by the tourism industry. The problem of economic safety to Ukraine is for a domestic science concerning new – it became an object of research from the end 80 – the beginnings of 90th years, however, from now on it is actively enough investigated as scientists, and at the state level. Conceptual workings out of this problem are periodically fixed in various legislative, executive and other state documents. Tourism in Ukraine is recognized at the state level by priority sphere of national economy. Possessing rich cultural-historical and natural resources, the country faces a problem of creation of the modern industry of the tourism, capable to involve foreign and domestic tourists. The decision of variety of economic, organizational, social, legal problems should promote lifting of sphere of tourism in our country, to increase in its contribution to national economy, increase of its rating in world indicators of tourist arrivals.

           It is necessary to notice that studying of sphere of tourism in aspect of economic safety is an important question of development of tourism as tourism renders deep both positive and negative influence on people, economy and environment. In this connection one of initial problems at definition of strategy of development of tourism – to specify value of this branch for national economy in aspect of economic safety.

            Now the economic science doesn't offer a complex of methodical approaches to safe development of sphere of tourism in modern conditions, first of all, considering specificity of this kind of activity, safety of development of tourism as isn't considered complex social-ecologic-economic system, capable to act as threat, and «a growth point» for economy accepting recreation places.

          Not opened there are basic theoretical aspects in research of economic safety concerning tourism sphere, there were no accurate definitions of key concepts and classifications of the separate phenomena.

Unavailability of the national tourist industry not only to plan brave situations, but also operatively to react to their occurrence does working out of methodical bases of increase of economic safety of development of tourism in recreation places of Ukraine especially actual in modern conditions.

           Thus, safety issues of sphere of tourism in the country are extremely important for today, including problems of safety separately taken tourist recreation places, and tourist branch as a whole which decision is a basis of the further development of the industry of tourism in the country. 
           However, degree of a readiness of branch aspects in strategy of maintenance of national economic safety, including such vital branch complex as touristic-recreational sphere, still lags behind requirements of modern domestic practice.          Questions of maintenance of safe development of branch are investigated insufficiently that doesn't allow to give efficient answers and to offer constructive and timely decisions of the numerous practical problems existing in this sphere.  
Variety of aspects of functioning of tourism in the conditions of economic safety remains insufficiently studied. Some of them didn't become adequately a subject of deep theoretical study.

           Urgency and insufficient degree of a readiness of problems of maintenance of economic safety of development of the industry of tourism of Ukraine demand, that they became object of special scientific research in which theoretical aspects would be combined with practical, and would be directed on increase of efficiency of functioning of branch of tourism as a whole. 

            Objective of this research is formation of effective system of increase of economic safety of development of the industry of tourism in whole and separate tourist recreation places on the basis of use of approaches and principles of a sustainable development of tourism. 

           As object of research the touristic-recreational sphere as difficult social-ecologic-economic system acts.

Object of research are theoretical and methodological problems, and also mechanisms of maintenance of economic safety of development of the industry of tourism in Ukraine through a sustainable development. 

What is the economic safety?

Safety of the state develops of considerable number of its separate directions, but basic, providing and basically defining жизнестойкость, viability and capacity of all other elements making the general safety of a society and the state, is security of economic sphere. Undoubtedly, economic safety makes the major part of national safety and is the factor providing successful development of the state.

         Safety is necessary for considering as complex concept as uniform safety of object consists of set of separate components, but only in common they form a condition of the maximum safety. 

       Classification of economic safety depending on object can have the following appearance: economic safety of the person; economic safety of the enterprise; economic safety of region; economic safety of sphere of economic activities (branch); economic safety of the state.

         Analyzing a theoretical material on safety problems, we have come to a conclusion that along with that aspects of a personal security are developed enough, state security and safety at enterprise level, aspects on maintenance of economic safety of separate spheres and economy branches are developed insufficiently. We believe that it is necessary for problems of maintenance of economic safety of development of leading branches of economy of Ukraine to give much more attention. Including, in modern conditions working out of theoretical and methodical bases questions of maintenance of economic safety of development of tourist sphere in the country demand.

         Thus, for the purposes and a subject of studied questions, economic safety of the state can and should be considered in the light of protection of positions on all components defining direct and mediated benefits of the state, received from tourism — economic, political, social. 

         It is necessary to notice that there are no in details developed programs on maintenance of economic safety of the country in whole and separate branches of economy. In these conditions a basis of the state strategy and as a whole national safety the policy of development who would consider strategic priorities, national interests should be economic and prevented possible dangers.

        Safety of tourism is an actual problem of all without an exception of participants of tourist activity. Speaking about safety of tourism, we allocate following levels: 

        • safety of consumers of a tourist product (tourists);

        • safety of manufacturers of a tourist product;

        • safety recreation places (from tourists who can do it harm). 
In conformity, with the offered system of classification of objects of safety in tourism, it is expedient to allocate following components of economic safety in tourism:

          • economic safety of the country;

          • economic safety of a touristic-recreational complex;

          • economic safety tourist recreation places;

          • economic safety of the enterprises of sphere of tourism;

          • economic safety of the person (the tourist, the local resident).

Thus, by this time tourism is considered as the open system divided conditionally on three cooperating subsystems (economic, natural and social) and directed on a sustainable development. as social-ecology-economic system. In a context of the concept of a sustainable development of tourism in which any recreation places is perceived as social-ecologic-economic system, it’s safe development assumes integration such three component as economic, ecological and social safety.

Only the complex approach to increase of level of all components of tourist safety will allow raising essentially appeal each tourist recreation places, to provide essential increase of an entrance tourist stream and thus profitableness of the given branch in the country budget. 

Ways of increase of safety of tourists

Tourism development directly depends on safety of tourists, from level of protection of their life, health, property. The regions which are not providing safety and health protection of tourists, won't receive possibility to develop the market of tourist services. In modern Ukrainian tourism and at the international level there is no centralized system of statistics of accidents and other incidents with tourists. Creation of such system can be basis, a starting point for creation of the mechanism of safety.

      So, it is necessary to consider that safety is the main consumer property which objectively and really tourist service should possess. Other its consumer properties can be realized to the full only in case this safety will be guaranteed. 
One of ways of increase of safety of tourists is perfection of standard legal base in the field of the organization and conducting tourist activity. The complex and centralized generalization of experience on practical safety of tourist activity by various kinds of tourism is necessary: from experience of experts in rounds in mountain district, in mountain-skiing tourism, in water and underwater kinds of tourism, in speleological tourism and further by each kind of tourism. 

Following basic direction of development of system of safety in tourism is working out of standards of safety of all services which are a part of round, and a personal security of the tourist. Along with these security measures of tourists it is necessary to remember maintenance of a personal security of local population and attendants from possible illegal actions of tourists, and also protection material, spiritual and cultural values touristic recreation places. 

How development of sphere of tourism influences quality of safety?

For such difficult social and economic system as tourism the decision of a question of economic safety first of all sees through a sustainable development. Moreover, safety of development of tourism and a tourism sustainable development are identified with each other that is a positive tendency. Steady tourism can cope with negative consequences of development of tourism and strengthen its positive effects. The tourism sustainable development assumes its planning and the management providing improvement of quality of life of local population, environment and cultural heritage protection. 

       Today the secret of success of the majority of the popular tourist centers is based on cleanliness of environment, effectual measures after its protection and originality of local culture, high level of the organization of tourist process, quality assurances and safety. In the places which do not have this set of qualities, falling of a degree of service and recession in tourism volumes is observed. 

         In a sustainable development basis such economic mechanisms which, on the one hand, conduct to an effective utilization of natural resources and environment preservation, and with another – to satisfaction of requirements of people and improvement of quality of life not only recent, but also the future generations should be put.

        The tourist potential of the Ukrainian recreational zones and unique places is huge, however for today level of planning and the organization of development of tourism is unsatisfactory and threatens ecological and economic safety of the population of the country, and also safety of tourists. Studying of experience and results of development of the international tourism shows that its planning at all levels is an indispensable condition of maintenance of its successful development and management. Absence of planning of development of tourism can become the reason of undesirable consequences for recreation places and lower level of safety of development of tourism. 

        Thus, for maintenance of economic safety tourist places for recreation (recreational zones), considering the approach accepted in given research to achievement of the economic safety, necessary step with a view of construction of effective system of social-ecologic-economic safety tourist recreation places is working out of strategy of a sustainable development of tourism for tourist zones. 

        For working out of strategy of a sustainable development of tourism in touristic places such principles as definition of limits of development of tourism and minimization of risks, and also, probably, equating of stability and safety will help to make process of strategic planning in tourism more effective and proved. 

The technique of working out of strategy of a sustainable development of tourism for touristic places should include:

         • the general approaches to planning of tourist development on the basis of principles of a sustainable development of tourism;  
         • the purposes and problems of development of the tourism, corrected during long time in the light of the reached results and changing circumstances; 
        • an estimation cultural and natural resources, environment conditions in recreational places (a condition of air, water etc.), including a present condition and ability to change in the future;

        • the analysis of tourist potential (including ethnographic features, national crafts, etc.) and a current state of tourist sphere of the given territory; 
        • gathering and an estimation of the data about the relative contribution of tourism to region economy, quantity of given workplaces, influence of external factors (a market tendency, the analysis of competitors, change of a surrounding environment, etc.);

       • an estimation of throughput of tourism infrastructure;

        • the all-round analysis of economic, ecological, social consequences of development of tourism for recreation places;

       • an estimation of existing strategy of development of tourism and measures of their realization;

       • an estimation of efficiency of teamwork of all interested parties and barrier revealing on a way to closer cooperation; 

       • carrying out of consultations of local community on substantive provisions of developed strategy;

       • social and economic indexes and an estimation of social and economic efficiency of realization of program offers with instructions of rough requirements for investments and terms of their recoupment, the possible sources of financing expected incomes and profit. 

Measures on increase of economic safety of sphere of tourism 
Include the following:

1. Increase of competitiveness tourist recreation places n the internal and international markets:

       • improvement of quality of the tourist goods and services;

       • improvement of quality of service and working conditions; 

        • creation of the favorable business environment;

        • brand management development;

        • increase of level of safety of tourists and local residents;

        • formation of professional shots in tourism sphere.

2. Development of internal and entrance tourism.

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