Европейская смстема уровней владения иностранным языком и ее связь с российской системой образования

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 21 Ноября 2012 в 10:51, курсовая работа

Краткое описание

Целью данной работы является изучение сущности и содержания европейской шкалы уровней владения иностранным языком и теоретическое обоснование ее взаимосвязи с российской системой образования.
Достижение поставленной цели предполагает решение следующих задач:
1. Проанализировать педагогическую, психологическую, методическую литературу по теме исследования.
2. Раскрыть сущность и содержание европейской системы уровней владения иностранным языком.
3. Проанализировать взаимосвязь европейкой системы уровней владения иностранным языком с российской системой иноязычного образования.
4. Исследовать существующие методы подготовки школьников по английскому языку по разделам «Чтение» и «Письмо», разработать рекомендации относительно содержания этих методик.

Содержание работы

Глава I. Теоретические аспекты изучения уровней владения иностранным языком……………………………………………………………6
1.1. Уровни владения иностранным языком в соответствии с «Общеевропейской компетенцией»…………………………………….6
1.2. Реализация уровней владения иностранным языком в школах России в соответствии с Российским стандартом основного общего образования по иностранному языку………………10
1.3. Единый Государственный Экзамен как способ оценки уровня владения иностранным языком…………………………………14
Выводы по первой главе ………………………………………………………...18
Глава II. Практические аспекты совершенствования уровня владения иностранным языком (на примере подготовки к
Единому Государственному экзамену)...……………….……………………….20
2.1. Подготовка к разделу «Чтение» Единого
Государственного Экзамена по английскому языку..…….……………20
2.4. Подготовка к разделу «Письмо» Единого
Государственного Экзамена по английскому языку…………..…………26
Выводы по второй главе….. …………………………………………...………...31
Список использованной литературы……...……………………………….……..34

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Таблица 2


Дескрипторы для разных уровней  владения языком.





А-1. Понимает и может употреблять  в речи знакомые фразы и выражения, необходимые для выполнения конкретных речевых задач. Может представиться (представить других), задавать вопросы (отвечать на вопросы) о месте жительства, знакомых, имуществе. Может участвовать  в несложном разговоре, если собеседник говорит медленно и отчетливо  и готов оказать помощь.

Б-1. Понимает основные идеи четкого сообщения, сделанного в  среднем темпе носителя языка  на разные темы, хорошо известные по работе, учебе, касающиеся досуга и  т. п. Может общаться в большинстве ситуаций, которые возникают во время пребывания в стране изучаемого языка. Может составить связное сообщение на известные или интересующие темы. Может передавать впечатления о событиях, обосновывать свое мнение и планы на будущее.

В-1.Понимает содержание больших  по объему текстов, разных по тематике, распознает их значение на уровне смысла. Говорит спонтанно в темпе  носителей языка, не испытывая затруднений  в выборе языковых средств. Гибко  и эффективно использует язык для  общения в научной и профессиональной деятельности. Может создать точное, детальное, хорошо сконструированное  сообщение на любую тему, демонстрируя владение моделями организации текста, средствами связи его элементов.

А-2. Понимает отдельные предложения  и часто встречающиеся выражения, связанные с основными сферами  жизни (например, сведения о себе и  членах своей семьи, покупки, устройство на работу и т. п.); может выполнять задачи, связанные с простым обменом информацией на знакомые или бытовые темы. В простых выражениях может рассказывать о себе, своих родных и близких, описать основные стороны повседневной жизни.

Б-2. Понимает общее содержание текстов на разные темы, в том  числе по специальности. Говорит  достаточно быстро в среднем темпе  носителей языка и спонтанно, что обеспечивает возможность общения  с носителями языка без особых затруднений для любой из сторон. Может сделать четкое, подробное  сообщение на различные темы и  изложить свой взгляд на проблему, показать преимущества и недостатки разных мнений.

В-2. Понимает любое по содержанию устное или письменное сообщение, может  составить связный текст, опираясь на разные источники. Говорит спонтанно. В темпе, с высокой степенью точности, подчеркивая оттенки значений в  различных ситуациях общения.




Упражнение на установление логической последовательности.


Расположите части  текста в логическом порядке, чтобы  текст выглядел законченным.


You may know them as big men with tattoos who used to live in Australia. Let’s look at some facts from the past of Maoris living in New Zealand. But first we need to answer the question about who Maoris really are.


(A__) According to the legend, they arrived there around 1350 AD from Polynesia. There had been nothing to eat and nowhere to live, so they built 10 great canoes and went on them to New Zealand, which was an uninhabited island at that time. Maoris called it Aotearoa, which means ‘island of the long white cloud’.


(B__) Known in Maori as ‘moko’, these were common among the higher classes. People of a very high rank had tattoos on their face as well as their body. It’s important to mention that Maoris used to have a complicated class system from a slave class to a royal class. But things began to change after European settlers came to the area.


(C__) The Maori people are the original New Zealanders who lived there for centuries before European settlers thought of going there. They are famous for their dances and songs, and for the special traditional dress. Their name comes from a bird they used to hunt which was called the moa. But in fact Maoris did not always live in New Zealand.


(D__) Because of that tragic situation, the Maori wrote to Queen Victoria about the damage to their land and people. The Treaty of Waitangi was signed in 1840. It gave them full rights to their land, forests and possessions. It also gave them all the rights and privileges of people of Britain. But we know today that the treaty remained a theory.


(E _) They developed a rich culture based on story telling and chants. There are many Maori stories about myths and ancestors. The Maori people also love to carve: their beautiful wood and bone carvings often tell a story. One part of the Maori culture is also the art of making tattoos.


(F__) But at first their arrival was not seen as anything bad. When British explorer Captain Cook took the island for Britain, he created a good relationship with the ‘natives’. But after a while, the settlers spread disease and prostitution, and killed all the whales and seals. The Maori population was reduced by 80%.


(G__) As they say, every Maori living today can find their grand-grand-grandfathers among the people who arrived on those 10 canoes. At present New Zealand has a population of around 3.5 million and nearly 10% are Maori, the descendants of the Polynesian settlers. Now let’s turn to the question of the Maoris’ cultural importance.












Упражнение на установление соответствия приведенных утверждений прочитанному тексту

Прочитайте текст и определите, какие предложения согласуются с содержанием текста, какие не согласуются, а по каким в тексте нет информации. Поставьте знак (х) в выбранной графе таблицы.


I did it Monday morning in my locker at school: I turned into a lizard. I remembered the way we had caught the lizard the night before last. We’d spotted it with a torch, and Cassie had put a bucket over it so it wouldn’t get away. Now I was going to become one.

First of all, I knew I had to get ready for a different vision of the world. I tried to think really fast. I said to myself: Come on, Jake. You have eyes on the side of your head now. They don’t focus together. They see different things. Deal with it.

Still talking to myself like that, I tried to make sense of the things in front of me, but they were a mess. It seemed to take ages to understand them. One eye was looking down the hall to the right. I was upside down on the side of the locker, which was like a long, grey field without end.

This endless side of the locker was all I knew about the world now, so I clung to it very hard. I still kept talking to myself, and that made me realize that the lizard’s brain hadn’t started working yet. Would my lizard’s body follow the orders of my human mind?

I decided to give it a try. Go to the light! I ordered my new body. But the body was afraid of the light. It was terrified. Go to the light! I screamed inside my head. And then, the lizard’s brain kicked in and sent my body off the locker’s side.

Suddenly I was not only off this side, but running very fast, too. I went straight down the wall. Zoom! Then on the level floor. Zoom! The ground floor was out of sight. It was like being a passenger in a crazy, out-of-control car.

And just as I was beginning to take control after all, my lizard brain sensed the spider. It was a strange thing, like I wasn’t sure if I saw the spider, or heard it, or smelled it, or tasted it on my lizard tongue, or just suddenly knew it was there. And I rushed after it.

I was racing at a million miles an hour before I could even think about stopping. My legs were hardly visible, they moved so fast. The spider ran. I ran after it. And – guess what? –  before I even touched it, I woke up!





No Information

The first change for author to consider was the change in the construction sight.


The transformation started with the body, leaving the human brain almost untouched.


The author could always use his human brain and the ability to speak to subdue the subconscious element of his new mind.


The author was fascinated by the speed at which his new body could develop, and other sensations it offered.








Образец написания личного  письма.


Your address

The date




Introduction (§ 1-opening remarks)


Main Body (§§ 2-3 - development of the subject )


Conclusion (§ 4 - closing remarks)


Ending (say goodbye and sign your name)


  • Greeting

- Never begin Dear friend / Pen friend; write the name Dear Jane,

  • Introduction

- Reasons for writing; / - an apology for a delay in writing / - a thank you to the person for his last letter

  • Main Body

- divide your letter into paragraphs and include 2-3 points in each paragraph

  • Conclusion

-an excuse to stop writing/ - greetings to the person’s family (friends) / - an invitation/ - a promise to write again soon, / - a request to the person to reply soon

  • Ending

- Lots of love/ Best wishes + your first name


St. Petersburg


} пропустить строчку

January 1st

Dear Mary,

} пропустить строчку

Thank you for your lovely birthday card, I have not written sooner as I wanted to invite you

round and would never find a suitable time.

} пропустить  строчку (каждый параграф начинать пропуская строчку)

We are having a small party next Friday night to celebrate Tony’s return from Canada , and we

would be very happy if you and Simon could join us, around 8 p.m. Do come if you can.

} пропустить строчку

Looking forward to seeing you.

} пропустить  строчку


} пропустить  строчку





Клише для написания Argumentative Essay


Тип сочинения 


Main Body


1 ‘For’ and ‘Against’ essays

(formal style)

§ 1

-present the topic and state the problem

-make a general remark about it without giving your opinion

§ 2,3

-Arguments “for”( 3 points)

-Arguments “against”(3 points)

(support your arguments with examples)

§ 4

- your opinion based on the given arguments


Useful Language (FOR and AGAINST essay)


I. Introduction (state the topic /problem, you talk generally about the topic, you may ask a question or start with a quotation)

  • As a general rule……. It is popularly believed that…….. It is often suggested…….People often claim that…….A lot of people think that…….. Many people are in favour of…… / are convinced that…..
  • We all know that…
  • Can you imagine …….? Isn’t it amazing……..? Have you ever thought of….? Isn’t it strange…?
  • There are both advantages and disadvantages ……….. Let’s begin with………


II. Main Body (points FOR and AGAINST appear in two separate paragraphs)

  • To introduce points
  • The main / most important / greatest advantage of……is that……
  • Another advantage/ disadvantage of…… A further advantage/ disadvantage of……
  • One point of view in favour of / against… The best/ worst thing about……is………
    • To list points
  • In the first place… First of all……… To start with… To begin with…
  • Secondly… Thirdly…… Finally……… Last but not least………
    • To add more points to the same topic
  • What is more… Furthermore ……. Moreover………
  • In addition to this…. Besides……… Apart from this……….
    • To make contrasting points
  • On the other hand …… however…… in spite of the fact that ……… despite the fact that………
  • While……nevertheless… even though…… although…. it can be argued that………
    • To introduce examples

- For example……… for instance… such as…….. in particular…………


III. Conclusion (you give either your opinion or a balanced consideration of the topic, or give the reader something to consider, or to end with a quotation)

  • To conclude
  • To sum up…….. all in all …........ on the whole………. in conclusion ………
  • taking everything into account………/ as was previously stated
  • All things considered, although there are some disadvantages…, I believe it is…….
  • All in all, I believe that there are more advantages than disadvantages…..

Клише для написания Opinion Essay


Тип сочинения 


Main Body



2. Opinion essays

(formal style)

§ 1

- introduce the subject and state your opinion

§ 2-4 – or more paragraphs

- first viewpoint supported by reasons/ examples

-second viewpoint supported by reasons/ examples

- the opposing viewpoint supported by reasons/ examples

§ 5

- summarise what you’ve said

-restate your opinion using different words



Useful Language (OPINION essay)


I. Introduction (state the topic/ problem; you may ask a question or start with a quotation; state your opinion)

  • state the topic /problem

-Is too much emphasis placed on……?

- Nowadays, we are often told …… Every day… There is no doubt that……..

- Over the past few years…  Are you among those who……..? Why has……become…?

-The British poet…once said that “….”

- There are various facts that support this opinion.

  • To express opinion

- In my opinion……… I believe………. It seems to me…… The way I see it……..


II. Main Body (each paragraph should present a separate viewpoint supported by your reason, another paragraph should present the opposing viewpoint)

    • To list points
  • In the first place… First of all……… To start with… To begin with…
  • Secondly… Thirdly…… Finally……… Last but not least………
    • To add more points to the same topic
  • What is more… Furthermore ……. Moreover………
  • In addition to this…. Besides……… Apart from this……….
    • To introduce contrasting viewpoints
  • It is argued that……. People argue that……. Opponents of this view say ………
  • There are people who oppose……… Contrary to what most believe……….
    • To introduce examples

- for example……… for instance… such as…….. in particular…………


III. Conclusion (you restate your opinion using different words)

    • To conclude
  • To sum up…….. all in all ……….. all things considered….... on the whole……….
  • in conclusion ……… taking everything into account………/ as was previously stated
  • All in all, I still feel that the benefits of ……..outweigh the disadvantages.




Упражнения на восстановление в тексте пропущенных слов.

Прочитайте текст  и определите, что проверяется  в каждом пропуске и какая часть  речи там должна быть. Затем заполните  пропуски, вписав в каждый пропуск  только одно слово.


The firemen's strike of 1978 made possible one of the great animal rescue attempts of all time. Valiantly, the British Army had taken (1) __________ emergency

firefighting and (2) __________ 14th January they were called out by an

(3) __________ lady in South London (4) _________ retrieve her cat which

(5) _________ become trapped up a tree. They arrived (6)__________ impressive haste and soon discharged their duty. So grateful was the lady (7) _________she invited them all (8)__________ tea. Driving off later, with fond farewells completed, they (9)_________over the cat and killed it.


Определите, какие выражения и устойчивые словосочетания проверяются в приведенном ниже тексте, основой которого послужил гороскоп. Затем заполните пропуски, вписав в каждый только одно слово.

Информация о работе Европейская смстема уровней владения иностранным языком и ее связь с российской системой образования