Средства вторичной номинации в английском варианте медицинской терминологии

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 22 Марта 2011 в 23:29, курсовая работа

Краткое описание

Цель и предмет исследования обусловили постановку следующих конкретных задач:

1) выявить специфику термина, его главные признаки и отличие от общеупотребительной лексики;

2) описать конститутивные признаки метафоры;

3) определить особенности образования терминов путём вторичного номинирования;

4) выявить термины, образованные путём метафоризации в англоязычной терминосистеме медицины и их номинативные

Содержание работы


Глава 1 Способы номинации лексических единиц

1.1 Понятие и виды номинации ………………….................................5

1.2 Определение понятия «термин»........................................................13

1.3 Метафора в лингвистике…………………………………………….17

Глава 2 Средства вторичной номинации в английском варианте

медицинской терминологии

2.1 Семантическая деривация………………………………………… ..20

2.2 Метафорический и метонимический перенос……………………..24

2.3 Особенности метафорической номинации в английской

медицинской терминологии………………………………………….…33

Заключение……………………………………………………………… 37

Список использованной литературы…………………………………...40


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Приложение 3

Классификация метонимических терминов

Виды  метонимий Примеры Кол-во метонимий %
1.геосемизмы tropical ulcer, California virus, Spanish influenza, Asian influenza, Mongolian spots, Syrian ulcer, Hong Kong flu, tropical ear, Japanese encephalitis, Greek Valerian, Brazilian blastomycosis, European blastomycosis, North American blastomycosis, river blindness, tropical bubo, Chinese liver fluke infarction, blood island, lacrimal lake, microbal landscape, wandering erysipelas, mappy/geographical tongue, Egyptian chlorosis, Cremean hemorrhagic fever, cannon wave, splashing sound, African lethargy, mud fever, genetic field, geographical skull, equator of the eye-ball 26 33
2.метеорологизмы dawn phenomenon, hot weather ear, summery influenza, spring conjunctivitis, night blindness, day blindness, night palsy, short wind, wind chill, hot flush, initial fogging, shadow, stellate fracture 14 18
3.социоморфизмы Emergency hormone, senile gangrene, somnolent spindles, marginal adaptation, behavior of lungs, language of organs, gene library, Cain complex, painter’s palsy, writer’s palsy, soldier’s patches, peace pill, pin-pong, wool-sorter’s pneumonia, poor posture, posture of an astrologer, false operation, sleep spindles, mornig-type people, sadism, alcoholic delusion of jealousy, flight into illness, silent infarction, adoptive immunity, immunodepression, universal hyperhidrosis, migration of leukocytes, occupational neuritis, hunger pains, delayed delivery, killer, crazy bone, to controlan attack of a disease, hosemaid’s knee, rear admiral, plumber, kiss of life, surgical intervention, trigger area 39 49
  79 100

Приложение 4

Классификация метафорических терминов

Виды  метафор Примеры Кол-во метафор %
1.соматизмы drumstick fingers, hungry blood, acute abdomen, blind gut/colon, Gothic palate, tower skull, flat abdomen, mobile abdomen, waist of the heart, cobbler’s cheast, Olympic brow, empty abdomen, drum belly, funnel breast, bridge of nose, cold blood, black blood, wisdom teeth, Medusa head, saddle nose,, cake kidney, blue kidney, jerky pulse, sharp pulse, Monday head, web neck, marble bones, mosaic bone, bow-legged, baker’s legs, stone heart, main d’accoucheur, lazy eye syndrome, moon face, bobble-head doll syndrome, helmet head, lead cap head, Madura foot, tennis elbow, open abdomen, dry heart, baby tooth, neck of a tooth, furrowed tongue, drum membrane 45 25
2.бытовые plaster bed, eye ground, Turkish saddle, hummer bone, otostapes, narrow pelvis, tear bag, kidney pelvis, earwax, skin window, planting wire, voice box, table, dummy tablet, crowded teeth, bell-and-ped, cheesy bronchitis, anvil bone, basket, fither basket, ring abscess, bed of cancer tumor, ulcer bed, hour-glass bladder, cavern breath, mechanic bronchitis, plaster booster, lawn, potbelly, blind pouch, hair pouch, milk pox, oval window, round window, aortic window, to be on wires, whisky-liver, heart sac, pocket, necklace of Venus, pillow orthopnea, floor of the mouth, Bier’s needle, cracked-pot sound,  iron lung, replicating fork, Chinese restaurant syndrome, keyhole surgery, teadrop fracture, silver fork fracture, lead pipe fracture, Swiss cheese appearance, sponge kidney, ballon cell, blade, frigo, blue bag, clay pipe cancer, canaliculus of chorda tympani, hot cross bun skull, cap crown, golden shower, brainpan, anchor splint, thimble crown, café au lait spots, accordion graft, cord of the tympanum 68 37
3.зоосемизмы chicken breast, frog belly/abdomen, frog face, bird arm, goose breathe, chickenpox, leontiasis, parrot-beak nail, horse pill, fish eye disease, cat-cry syndrome, bird face, arterial spider, goose flesh, bicornuate uterus, mosquito, rabbit syndrome, elephantiasis, boving heart, hare lip, cock’s comb, shark skin, swan’s neck, cat’s ear, sparrow mouth, gallop rhythm, barking cough, shark mouth, macacus ear, goose-gain, wing of nose, cow-pox, horse voice, creeping ulcer, pig tail, wasp waist sign, Butterfly skin, quail rhythm, owl’s ear cell, wing of the cock’s comb, shell, beak shaped crown forceps, vermillion, Butterfly patch 44 24
4.биосемизмы nutmeg liver, nettle rash, Adam’s apple, apple jelly phenomenon, bulb, eyeball/eye bulb, hay fever, daisy, shell wound, bud phase, tree of life, wooden belly, belly-button, prune belly, blueberry muffin baby, root of tooth, root of lung, apple-peel artesia, boutons terminaux, nerve root, onion-skin, strawberry tongue, maple syrup urine disease, cross cut bur, bur tapered fissure, willow fracture, pineal gland 27 15
Всего   184 100

Приложение 5

Сводная таблица моделей  экспликации метафоры и метонимии 

Модели  экспликации метафоры и метонимии Примеры  


N shell, shadow, pin-pong, sadism, immunodepression, killer, plumber, otostapes, earwax, table, basket, lawn, pocket, frigo, blade, brainpan, chickenpox, leontiasis, mosquito, vermillion, bulb, elephantiasis, daisy 23 8,7
N+N baby tooth, river blindness, blood island, cannon wave, California virus, Hong Kong flu, mud fever, night blindness, day blindness, snow blindness, sun blindness, night palsy, wind chill, dawn phenomenon, emergency hormone, gene library, Cain complex, spring conjunctivitis, peace pill, morning-type people, hunger pains, trigger area, drumstick fingers, tower skull, drum belly, funnel breast, Medusa head, saddle nose, cake kidney, Monday head, web neck, marble bones, main d’accoucheur, helmet head, Madura foot, tennis elbow, drum membrane, eye ground, hummer bone, tear bag, kidney pelvis, voice box, anvil bone, ulcer bed, hour-glass bladder, cavern breath, pot belly, hair pouch, whisky-liver, heart sac, pillow ortopnea, keyhole surgery, teadrop fracture, sponge kidney, ballon cell, cap crown, anchor splint, thimble crown, accordion graft, frog belly/abdomen, frog face, shark skin, sparrow mouth, gallop rhythm, cow pox, Butterfly skin, Quail rhythm, nettle-rash, rabbit syndrome, eye bulb, bud phase, prune belly, nerve root, belly-button, onion skin, strawberru tongue, willow fracture 77 29,1
N’s+N cat’s ear, painter’s palsy, writer’s palsy, soldier’s patches, wool-sorter’s pneumonia, housemaid’s knee, cobbler’s cheast, baker’s legs, Bier’s needle, cock’s comb, swan’s neck, Adam’s apple 12 4,5
N+and+N bell-and-ped 1 0,4
N+of+N neck of a tooth, behavior of lungs, language of organs, posture of an astrologer, migration of leukocytes, kiss of life, waist of the heart, bridge of nose, necklace of Venus, floor of the mouth, cord of the tympanum, wing of nose, tree of life, root of tooth, root of lung 15 5,7


flight into illness 1 0,4


wing of the cock’s comb, 1 0,4

Всего 130 терминов



Adj.+N tropical ulcer, Spanish influenza, Asian influenza, Mongolian spots, Syrian ulcer, tropical ear, Japanese encephalitis, Greek Valerian, Brazilian blastomycosis, European blastomycosis, tropical bubo, lacrimal lake, microbal landscape, mappy/geographical tongue, Egyptian chlorosis, African lethargy, genetic field, geographical scull, summery influenza, short wind, hot flush, initial fogging, stellate fracture, senile gangrene, marginal adaptation, poor posture, false operation, sleep spindles, silent infarction, adoptive immunity, universal hyperhidrosis, occupational neuritis, crazy bone, rear admiral, surgical intervention, hungry blood, acute abdomen, blind gut/colon, Gothic palate, flat abdomen, olimpic brow, empty abdomen, mobile abdomen, cold blood, black blood, wisdom teeth, blue kidney, jerky/sharp pulse, mosaic bone, stone heart, moon face, open abdomen, dry heart, plaster bed, Turkish saddle, narrow pelvis, skin window, dummy tablet, cheesy bronchitis, ring abscess, mechanic bronchitis, plaster booster, blind pouch, milk pox, oval window, round window, aortic window, iron lung, blue bag, golden shower, chicken breast, bird arm, goose breath, horse pill, bird face, arterial spider, goose flesh, bicornuate uterus, boving heart, hare lip, shark mouth, macacus ear, goose-gain, horse voice, pig tail, nutmeg liver, hay fever, shell wound, wooden belly, pineal gland 90 34
N+Adj. cartilage arytenoidea, boutons terminaux 2 0,8
Part.I+N sliding flap, wandering erysipelas, splashing sound, replicating fork, planting wire, barking couth, creeping ulcer 7 2,6
Part.II+N furrowed tongue, delayed delivery, crowded teeth 3 1,1
Всего 99


N+N+N clay pipe cancer, bobble-head doll syndrome, coat sleeve amputation, café au lait spots, parrot-beak nail, wasp waist sign, apple jelly phenomenon, blueberry muffin baby 8 3
N’s+N+N Owl’s eye cell 1  
N+of+N+N canaliculus of chorda tympani, equator of the eye ball, bed of cancer tumor 3 1,1
Adj.+N+N cross cut bur, hot weather ear, lazy eye syndrome, lead-cap head, Chinese restaurant syndrome, silver fork fracture, lead pipe fracture, Swiss cheese appearance, fish eye desease, cat eye syndrome, apple-peel artesia 11 4,1
Adj.+N+N+N hot cross bun skull, Chinese liver fluke infarction, maple syrop urine disease 3 1,1
Adj.+Adj.+N mandibular dental arch, Crimean hemorrhagic fever 2 0,8
N+of+Adj.+N lamina of mesencephalic tectum 1 0,4
Adj.+N+of+N Alcoholic delusion of jealousy 1 0,4
N+Part.II bow-legged 1 0,4
N+Part.II+N bur tapered fissure 1 0,4
N+Part.II+N+N beak shaped crown forceps 1 0,4
Part.II+N+N cracked pot sound 1 0,4
Всего 34 термина   12,8
V+N+of+N to control an attack of desease 1 0,4
V+on+N to be on wires 1 0,4
Всего 2 термина   0,8
Сегмент из 265 терминов-метафор.  

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