Рефераты по иностранным языкам

Stylistic Differentiation of the English Vocabulary

09 Декабря 2011, доклад

Stylistic Differentiation of the English Vocabulary
The word-stock of any language may be presented as a system, the elements of which are interconnected, interrelated and yet independent. Then the word-stock of the English language may be divided into three main layers (strata): the literary layer (stratum), the neutral layer, and the colloquial layer. The literary and the colloquial layers contain a number of subgroups. Each subgroup has a property it shares with all the subgroups within the layer. This common property which unites the different groups within the layer is called its aspect.

Stylistic Function of the Verb

19 Февраля 2012, реферат

The verb is one of the oldest parts of speech and has a very developed grammatical paradigm. It possesses more grammatical categories that any other part of speech. All deviant usages of its tense, voice and aspect forms have strong stylistic connotations and play an important role in creating a metaphorical meaning. A vivid example of the grammatical metaphor of the first type (form transposition) is the use of 'historical present' that makes the description very pictorial, almost visible.

Stylistic Peculiarities of Business (Official) and Colloquial styles of the English Language

18 Января 2011, реферат

The term "stylistics" originated from the Greek "stylos", which means, "a pen". In the course of time it developed several meanings, each one applied to a specific study of language elements and their use in speech.

Stylistic use of degrees of comparison of adjectives

25 Января 2011, курсовая работа

The aim of the given course paper is to investigate such part of speech as the adjective and its degrees of comparison. As it is generally known, adjectives form the third major class of words in the English language (after nouns and verbs). We are to study the stylistic peculiarities and use of adjectives and their degrees of comparison. The topicality of this course paper is that, if we study the English language, it goes without saying that we should have a pretty good idea of its parts of speech.

Summative and formative evaluations

30 Апреля 2013, курсовая работа

З початком інтеграції України в Європу почалася низка реформ яка мала на меті наблизити навчальний процес до європейських стандартів та покращити рівень української освіти в цілому. В результаті цього було впроваджено нові системи оцінювання як у загальноосвітніх так і у вищих навчальних закладах, які використовуються і до сьогодні. Так, вченими були визначені зміст і завдання контролю і його функції в процесі навчання; створена класифікація контрольних завдань, сформульовані основні вимоги до розробки контрольних завдань, самої процедури адміністрування контролю; проаналізовані та описані особливості організації контролю різних видів мовленнєвої діяльності, іншомовних мовних навичок та мовленнєвих умінь;

Swiss taxation system

05 Декабря 2010, реферат

The taxation is not linked to the realization of a gain (the transaction as such is
triggering this tax). The tax is levied mostly by the cantons and, in some
cantons, also by the municipalities. There is no real estate transfer tax on
federal level.
The tax is imposed on
•The actual (legal) transfer of real estate;
•In some cantons the “economical transfer” is also subject to taxation (e.g.
purchase of stock of real estate companies).
•Some cantons also tax the constitution of mortgages

System of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

08 Ноября 2012, лекция

Preschool Education and Training - the first level of continuing Education System of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which creates conditions for the formation and development of the child’s personality, taking into account age and individual characteristics.
Children's rights to get preschool education and training are provided by a network of preschool organizations, preschool groups in the orphanages and boarding schools for orphans and children left without parental care, preschool classes and preschool groups in extracurricular organizations.

Taxation in the United States

21 Ноября 2011, автореферат

Taxation in the United States is a complex system which may involve payment to many different levels of government and many methods of taxation. United States taxation includes local government, possibly including one or more of municipal, township, district and county governments. It also includes regional entities such as school and utility, and transit districts as well as state and federal government.

Teenage alcoholism

09 Января 2012, сочинение

The majority of British teenagers spend their leisure – time in front of TV. The other prefer going to parties, dancing or simply about spending time in a company of friends.
But in present time teenagers has many problems with alcohol, drugs and smoking.
Alcohol is the № 1 drug problem among teenagers. It is a magic drug. It takes away problems. Teenage drinking is very dangerous. It is known that an alcoholic’s life shortened on the average by ten to twelve years. Alcohol causes heart disease and finally brain damage. When the effect of drink is over, an alcoholic gets nervous and aggressive until he drinks again.

Télévison en France

22 Декабря 2011, контрольная работа

Il y a deux conceptions principales de la place de la radiodiffusion visuelle publique dans le système de la télévision. La première conception examine la télévision publique comme la partie nécessaire et, dans une certaine mesure, principale de la système, qui soutient la balance nécessaire des intérêts, en assurant la variété d’information et la satisfaction des besoins d’information tous les groupe population.

Tense of verbs

22 Ноября 2012, курс лекций

Tense–aspect–mood, commonly abbreviated tam and also called tense–modality–aspect or tma, is the grammatical system in a language that covers the expression of tense(location in time), aspect (fabric of time – a single block of time, continuous flow of time, or repetitive occurrence), and mood or modality (degree of necessity, obligation, probability, ability).[1] In some cases, evidentiality (whether evidence exists for the statement, and if so what kind) may also be included.

Test on Individual Task

26 Марта 2013, контрольная работа

Тест на индивидуальное задание чтения
1. Отметьте предложения истинными ложных согласно информации в тексте. Исправьте ложных предложений.
2. Match the following words and word – combinations with their definitions.

The analysis of Past tense expression in the texts of different functional styles

17 Апреля 2011, дипломная работа

The aim of our research is to reveal the importance and necessity of past tense and to analyse ways of expression past time in different functional styles.

The Asian Vector Of Russian Foreign Policy

17 Марта 2012, сочинение

Traditionally, Russia’s foreign policy has focused on the West. The rest of the world was seen through the prism of its complex relations with Europe and the United States. However, the balance of forces started a rapid shift eastwards in the early 21st century. Russia eventually understood the major challenges posed by this shift, some of which demand action rather than just lofty words about the emergence of a multipolar world.

The Battle of Brunanburh

15 Декабря 2010, контрольная работа

Æþelstan cyning, eorla dryhten,
beorna beahgifa, & his broþor eac,
Eadmund æþeling, ealdorlangne tir

THE CASE (rule)

04 Ноября 2012, контрольная работа

Существительные в общем падеже с предлогами of, to, by, with выражают отношения, передаваемые русскими косвенными падежами без предлогов. Эти предлоги не имеют в этом случае самостоятельного значения и не переводятся на русский язык отдельными словами.
1. Существительное с предлогом of соответствует русскому родительному падежу (отвечающему на вопрос кого? чего?)
The leg of the table is broken. Ножка стола сломана.

The Charms of Dominican Republic

22 Февраля 2012, реферат

When sugar-cane used properly, this plant almost don’t have waste. Many types of sugar, juice, some products made with sugar, rum, leaves for cigars, some kinds of vodka and gin, all of this have a good demand in the market. Does not require much care and give two crops per year.

The company of Harper&Grant

16 Октября 2011, реферат

Complete the dialogue by using the fallowing word combinations from the box;
Be ready to sum up the point of view of each of the speakers.

The criminal law

28 Ноября 2011, доклад

The criminal law is accepted by the supreme bodies of the government the regulatory legal act which norms establish the basis and criminal liability principles, define, what dangerous to the person, societies or the act states admit crimes, both what kinds of punishments and other measures of criminally-legal character for them follow

The criminal law

01 Декабря 2011, доклад

The criminal law is accepted by the supreme bodies of the government the regulatory legal act which norms establish the basis and criminal liability principles, define, what dangerous to the person, societies or the act states admit crimes, both what kinds of punishments and other measures of criminally-legal character for them follow.

The Customs Act

04 Ноября 2011, реферат

The Customs Act was formulated in 1962 to prevent illegal imports and exports of
goods. Besides, all imports are sought to be subject to a duty with a view to affording
protection to indigenous industries as well as to keep the imports to the minimum in the
interests of securing the exchange rate of Indian currency.
Duties of customs are levied on goods imported or exported from India at the rate
specified under the customs Tariff Act, 1975 as amended from time to time or any other
law for the time being in force. For the purpose of exercising proper surveillance over
imports and exports, the Central Government has the power to notify the ports and
airports for the unloading of the imported goods and loading of the exported goods, the
places for clearance of goods imported or to be exported, the routes by which above
goods may pass by land or inland water into or out of Indian and the ports which alone
shall be coastal ports.

The Economy of the USA

08 Декабря 2011, курсовая работа

The modern USA represents an interesting object of researches for economists of the whole world. The country that has managed for a rather short period of time to become the world’s economic leader should cause interest. Besides, nowadays America shows significant success in carrying out social programs: in supporting the poorest layers of the population, in solving the problems of unemployment, racial discrimination, criminality, etc. Certainly, a number of problems still remains, but the general dynamics of development are evident. The 1920s were called the New Era in American life. This decade was the time of unprecedented social, economic and political change. It was the time when America was becoming a modern nation. It was a period of almost uninterrupted prosperity and economic expansio

The English Court System

26 Марта 2012, доклад

Every jurisdiction organizes the administration of justice in different ways. In England, the basic division between criminal and civil law is reflected in the court system. Look and study the chart below.

The evolution of the concept of crime

07 Апреля 2013, доклад

It was a formal definition of the crime, indicating the circumstances as the main determining criminality, presence of criminal prohibitions. This is not a formal definition reveals the social nature of the crime, did not answer the question of why it was considered a criminal act and is included as such in the criminal law. This approach to the definition in the XX century was the subject of doctrinal criticism: the scientists were offering tangible definition of the crime.

The first mobile phone

29 Ноября 2011, сочинение

The first mobile phone appeared in 1973 in America.
At present mobile phones have become ingrained in our every day lives.

The foreign exchange markets

02 Апреля 2012, реферат

Торговля и платежи через национальные границы требуют, чтобы одна из сторон, участвующих в сделке заключила контракт, чтобы заплатить или получить фонды в иностранной валюте. В некоторой стадии одна сторона должна преобразовать внутренние деньги в иностранные. Кроме того, хорошо осведомленные инвесторы, базируемые в каждой стране, знают о возможностях закупки активов или продажи долгов, называемых в иностранных валютах, когда ожидаемые возвращения выше за границей или когда затраты интереса ниже. Эти инвесторы также должны использовать валютный рынок всякий раз, когда они инвестируют или заимствуют за границей.

The Foreign Language in my Live

20 Декабря 2011, творческая работа

Небольшая презентация,с текстом на английском языке о значении его в моей жизни.

The future of programming as we know it

07 Января 2013, реферат

Аннотация: Будущий рост мощности компьютерной техники вытекает из программного параллелизма. Закон Гордона Мура помог описать условия достижения успеха при использовании этой технологии. Исследуя проблемы программирования параллельных систем, были выдвинуты современные тенденции развития компьютерных

The Hard Sell on Salt

12 Декабря 2010, творческая работа

Salt ponds in San Francisco Bay help satisfy Americans’ appetite for salt. By some estimates,
With salt under attack for its ill effects on the nation’s health, the food giant Cargill kicked off a campaign last November to spread its own message.
“Salt is a pretty amazing compound,” Alton Brown, a Food Network star, gushes in a Cargill video called Salt 101. “So make sure you have plenty of salt in your kitchen at all times.”
The campaign by Cargill, which both produces and uses salt, promotes salt as “life enhancing” and suggests sprinkling it on foods as varied as chocolate cookies, fresh fruit, ice cream and even coffee. “You might be surprised,” Mr. Brown says, “by what foods are enhanced by its briny kiss.”
By all appearances, this is a moment of reckoning for salt. High blood pressure is rising among adults and children. Government health experts estimate that deep cuts in salt consumption could save 150,000 lives a year.

The history of Internet

10 Мая 2012, доклад

Today we all take for granted that we should have instant access to the Internet regardless if we're at home or at work. We can even browse the web while on the go thanks to cell phones. It obviously hasn't been like this for ages and to help clarify the progress of the Internet we've written you a timeline with the most important things happening. Although the Internet only has a brief history it's a very interesting one - especially because things have happened so fast. What one thought was impossible some 20 years ago is now a reality for all web users.